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Hilarious Signs Found Only In Texas

AA Meetings?​

People get addicted to all sorts of things – video games, illicit substances, gambling. It can be hard to first be aware of the addiction, and second to break the addiction. However, sometimes it happens, as we can see from the witty sign below.



Now, the hokey pokey is a pretty light addiction when compared to decades-long alcoholism or a costly gambling addiction, but it’s still important to celebrate the small wins. Great job turning your life around! Wait, isn’t that part of the song itself?
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Not Much to See Here​

The truth will set you free. It sure did the good people of Texas. They don't want to lie to tourists and other commuters when on the road as it could frustrate them too much. Better to tell it like it is. This next road doesn’t feature much, in fact, it features:



22 miles of absolutely nothing. That’s a rough drive – better in a car than a bike, though. It leaves us wondering what happens after those miles are up. Does it turn into a bit of something?

Unwritten Law​

It’s important to know your rights so you can avoid unnecessary legal hassle. One of the most famous sayings on TV shows like Law and Order is “Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.”



Luckily, the folks at El Arroyo have an important caveat to add to that. “Anything you say can and will be used against you – after you’ve had your coffee.” Before that right, you’re free to spout off any nonsense you want.

Keeping Up​

It can be hard to keep up with the newer generation because trends (and in particular technologies) change so quickly. However, some trends apply to all age groups – for example, the selfie. Everyone from grandmothers to presidents is known to take them.



However, they can be bad for your health. To help remember that, the sign above tweaked the old saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Instead of keeping doctors away, a selfie a day helps to keep, well, everyone away.

Hot As Hell​

Texas is known for its hot weather. Back in 1994, they recorded 120 Fahrenheit in some towns. Although the temperature isn’t always that high, it does go over 100 pretty regularly – especially in the deserts and concrete cities.



Texas is also known for its religious devotion. Those two parts of Texan culture collided together to form the sign above. In other words, it’s hot as hell down in Texas. Time for Satan to come on up and take the weather back with him.

Sound Legit​

Environmental groups have mounted plenty of media campaigns for saving the planet. They’ve appealed to our sense of beauty, our sense of duty, and our sense of economics (the rainforests provide a lot of wealth) to try and get us to change the way we live.



One reason they haven’t focused on is, well, beer. If humans end up making this planet unlivable, then how’re they going to find an ice-cold beer on a hot day. The climate of Mars isn’t right for a proper lager.

Stating The Obvious​

Candy Crush is a massively popular online game that most people first played through Facebook. The free game (always a plus) is based around matching three pieces of candy. Easy, simple, and widely available. Also, commonly shared – if you’ve used Facebook at all, then you’ve probably been asked to like or join a game.



The sign above speaks to that in its own uniquely sarcastic way. When you invite others to play, just remember that you’re not the first one to do so.

Who's Laughing?​

Numbers have a variety of different meanings. One stands for, well one thing. Two is two but also about division. Three is usually a sense of completeness (beginning, middle, and end). The most raunchy number out there has to be “69.”



Some goofster decided to put those notorious digits on a speed limit sign somewhere in Texas. However, as you can see below, they put the real limit below. It was only for the laughs. Just make sure to drive 35.

The Dog’s Owner​

Many of us are familiar with the “beware of dog” signs that hang from the windows and gates of homes with certain kinds of dogs – namely, the unpredictable kinds that might bite you and never let go. For this Texas home, however, it’s not the dog you have to worry about.



It’s the dog’s owner. Or, more specifically, the dog’s owner’s gun. In other states, that might be a joke sign. In Texas, however, it’s best to treat it seriously. Trespassers beware.

Suicide By Roadkill​

Anyone who has driven on highways (especially highways flanked on both sides by forest) knows that animals (especially deer) are known to hop on the road from time to time. That can cause serious trouble to both deer, cars, and drivers.



Why do the deer do it? Well, the sign above spells out the answer – they’re suicidal. Maybe life in the forest is a bit too depressing and grim, so they figure it’s time to end it all by jumping into traffic.
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