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40 Hilarious Comments That Prove The Internet Is Still The Funniest Place To Be

Moses Long Lost ClassmateLiving expenses have drastically grown over time. Even taking into account inflation, the cost of college degrees has risen over three hundred percent since the 70s. Since then, wages have stagnated while the cost of living—bills, food, rent—has skyrocketed. Everything is more expensive these days. But don’t tell Jeri any of that!​



She posted that college students would be able to afford college tuition without taking out any loans if they just worked because she was able to do it in her day. One user speculated that “her day” might have been ancient Egyptian times. If that’s the case, we think that college was probably a lot more expensive since education didn’t really exist as we know it today!
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Ethan Has a Point​

After reading Ethan’s post, we’re now left with many questions: why would they do that to us? For laxatives, really? And, when can we expect to see these commercials? He got the point, though: many commercials use songs from a time when our grandparents were still young, probably because by then, they go into the public domain.


Imagine hearing Super Bass in a medicine commercial in the future. That would be killer! We’re not sure what the future will bring, but we’re excited. Will Ethan’s theory happen? It might be something utterly out of the blue that you'd never consider, but it’s pretty interesting.

When You Stare Into The Void…​

Have you ever been watching a horror movie when all of a sudden your screen turns black? The horror of seeing the reflection of yourself is real. We often jump, thinking it to be part of the movie when in actuality, the film just cuts to black as a transition from one scene to another.


We understand the sentiment behind this post. Another poster jumped in to say that they felt the same way. We all do, guys; we all do. We all look different from what we expect when we’re sitting alone in the dark. These things can give us a jump scare worse than anything Hollywood throws at us.

Choose to be a Witness​

Remember, the internet is full of spelling police. There will be times when we misspell something. It’s normal for human beings to commit such mistakes. While proofreading something before posting it is always a good idea, we don’t always remember to do so.


This person gave excellent advice on speaking up when confronted with unethical behavior. While this is encouraging, someone promptly corrected their spelling; you are (you’re) instead of your (as in mine or yours). At least the second poster acted as a witness instead of an accomplice… kind of.

Better To Say Nothing If You Have Nothing Good To Say​

Sometimes it's better to stay quiet if you have nothing good to say. It’s pretty common to see posts like this on the internet. Whether it’s supposed to be a cryptic message intended for an ex or just general meanness, we think it makes the world a worse place to live in.


It’s not great to see things like this on the internet, which is why we adore this Facebook user who turned the tables on someone's mean post. We enjoy an excellent clap back, and while we don't know how she responded, we hope she thinks twice before publishing something hurtful next time.

A Ridiculous Question​

You can learn so much on the internet you’d go blind trying to absorb it all. It can be overwhelming, especially if you’re taking your first steps. Take, for example, this recipe for Lord of the Rings' famous Lembas Bread. One bite can keep a traveler fed for a whole day, according to the books.


This YouTuber posted a step-by-step tutorial on how to make this dish. However, one viewer had a nut allergy and asked if there were any replacements for the nuts. Someone replied with “just remove the nuts.” While that is a valid response, we completely understand the entire user's point of view. They presumably wanted the recipe to taste as authentic as possible.

Two Comedians​

At some point, we all brag on the internet. It's human nature to want to showcase our achievements, and we’ve all been conditioned to desire likes and comments by the platforms that benefit. One way to win this one-person popularity contest is by showing off our travels destinations.


This user shared a stunning photo of Shanghai's skyline, but their caption was a little strangely written. Of course it’s night if it's nighttime. Someone was quick to call out the ridiculous sentence with a similarly nonsensical sentence. We couldn't think of a more amusing way to do it than the way this guy handled it.

Happy Pancakes!​

Sometimes reality doesn’t match our expectations. But sometimes one person's failure is another's success. Trial and error can lead to learning important lessons by accident. Sometimes, we just need to give ourselves a little time to figure things out.


Unlike what the ads should, the proper pancake, the end result for this poster was quite different. However, the holes in the pancake make a smiley face that we can’t help but crack up about. And someone got a new profile picture to boot. This is definitely a happy mistake.
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