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Hilarious Signs Found Only In Texas

Lost In Translation​

There's nothing quite like Southern hospitality as they say. In Texas, that goes far beyond the common “Yes, Sir/Ma’am” and opening of doors – it extends to the world of inanimate objects. If you need an example, then take a look at the sign below.



In this Tex-Mex culture, Spanish is widely spoken. So, instead of “soy milk” being a specific kind of milk, it might just be the Tex-Mex way for milk to introduce itself. “Soy milk” means “I am milk.”
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They Make Quite The Queso​

If you're going to be exercising, you might as well reward yourself with some delicious calories beforehand. Queso dips are filled with cheesy goodness and packed with a generous amount of calories (which you’ll work off with all that exercise).



The El Arroyo restaurant has your energy needs in mind. Before all the stretching and namastes at the yoga studio, why not fill up a bit? Sure, it might make holding those stretches a bit more difficult, but it will certainly make it taste a lot better.

Higher Or Hire?​

Willie Nelson always plays to sold-out crowds so does that mean a house in Texas always ends up selling? Honestly, I'm too poor to even pay attention. Zing! We’ll let the El Arroyo sign below carry on with the encore.



Touche, sign, touche. Willie Nelson is well known for his love of a particular kind of plant and the feelings it evokes. That feeling is a little like the rising housing costs in Texas. Yikes, maybe it’s time for another job.

I Was There When He Did It​

The journalist Brian William is infamous for claiming that he was shot at while aboard a helicopter during the Iraq War. That was false. His false admission became the fodder for countless internet memes. Also, for at least one restaurant sign meant to bring in hungry customers.



With the blowback to William’s career caused by his false claim, he just might have had enough time off to look for side hustles like sign making. If so, the sign above is a gem.

The Dark Knight's Brightest Day​

“Just be yourself” is a common piece of advice given to people who’re about to embark on a new adventure. In general, it’s spot on. However, if you could choose between being yourself and being the world-famous superhero Batman, who would you choose?



The Texan restaurant above advises us to skip the “be yourself” malarky and cling to the Batman identity. Alongside saving the day from bad guys, you also get to live in a bat cave with fancy cars and suits.

American Pie Or American Pi?​

A Texas farmer counted 297 cows in the field. But when he rounded them up, he had 300. Luckily, Texas Aggies (agriculturalists) have a good sense of humor. So do Texan sign makers for famous restaurants. If you need an example, then take a look below.



Those puns are delicious – as is the food. One more for the road: don't be surprised when it's harvest season and your crops have sprouted square roots. As long as you can tell the difference between pie and pi, you're good to go.


Burnt orange is the color of choice for the University of Texas's sports teams. So when Texan Jordan Spieth won The Masters, one of the most prestigious titles in professional golf, he was presented with an iconic green jacket.



The Dallas-native wore that green jacket (over a burnt orange shirt) to a Longhorns game. At halftime, he and a dozen or so others took to the stage to celebrate. The restaurant above decided to keep the celebration going with a little sign of love.

Asking The Important Questions​

Thinking deeply about life's problems comes second nature to most Texan residents. Maybe it’s the wide-open spaces that allow them to really sink into contemplating the important things in life. Questions like “is there life after death?” “what does it mean to be good?” and, well, the cookie question.



Although it might seem silly, it’s important to think about why certain things have the names they do. You bake cookies, you don’t cook them like eggs. So, why are they called “cookies” instead of “bakies”?


Legend Says...​

According to an age-old Native American tradition, the term "vegan" translates as "bad hunter". In Texas, when you want to indulge in a big juicy slice of beef steak, you might as well jump right in.



Sittin' around the porch thinking up all the ways you can cook a salad isn't very Texan. Plus, in a weird twist of fate, it ends up eating the food that your food eats. To get around that guilt trip, this restaurant suggests chicken and beef.

Friendly Advice​

Texas is so huge, that it's bigger than most countries (Switzerland, Cambodia, and Burkina Faso we’re looking at you). Texas is so big that plenty of Texans spend their entire lives inside its borders.

They don’t refer to the states outside their borders as "The United States".



Instead, they prefer to call it “that sketchy place outside of Texas.”

So, when outsiders enter the state, the polite thing to do is to remind them that Texans like their drivers the same as their people, friendly and steady.
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