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The Wildest Things You Will Only See In Texas

All In One​

Northern folks may find this sign odd, but in Texas, it is totally run-of-the-mill. In case you’re unfamiliar, Shiner Bock is a dark lager beer from Shiner, Texas. Instead of having a cold beer and an ice cream separately, this craft shop mixed them together.



The result is the perfect cold meal for a hot day – and boy does Texas have hot days. Rather than shuffling between the corner store and ice cream store, you only have to visit one place to get all you need.
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An Upgrade For The Elements​

This guy may just be a genius. He decided to conserve energy by rolling around in style by using this heavy-duty motorized wheelchair. Rather than the run-of-the-mill chair, he opted for the “ready for war” chair.



This bad boy is military-grade material. It has no problem climbing over sand dunes or bumps in the road. Sure, it doesn’t go the fastest, but there’s no terrain it can’t master. The smooth grass of the golf course shouldn’t be a problem at all.

Be Back In Five​

Now when you go to lock up your bicycle at the bike rack, you expect to find, you know, bicycles. Well, in Texas things are a bit different. You’ll definitely find a few bicycles but they may be interspersed with a baby cow or two.



What’s even crazier is that the only person who found this site strange at all was the photographer who was from out of town visiting relatives. Everyone else thought it was a perfectly acceptable way to get into town.

Supersized Portion​

The saying “everything’s bigger in Texas” refers to everything from football stadiums to bars to ranches to, well, food. Portion sizes are not what you might be used to. A plate for one is enough to feed a family somewhere else.



Just take one look at this absolutely giant cinnamon bun. Where do you even begin chomping away on that enormous treat? We would suggest using a knife and fork, but it’s also possible to take a bite and hope for the best.

Dern Tootin’​

This guy who owned a Texas diner was sick and tired of tourists coming through and asking if they served breakfast. He solved the problem in a true Texan way – by putting up a huge billboard on the highway to make it very clear.



Sure, some folks complained that the sign was a bit too big and abrasive. However, the sign also helped put the diner on the map by boosting sales significantly. We just hope they serve more than bowls of Corn Flakes.

The Ultimate Texas Accessory​

Cowboy hats are THE accessory if you live in Texas. Residents of the Lone Star State are known to wear them anywhere from weddings (as we saw above) to football games to, well, the bathroom.



This (very Texan) bathroom logo has the woman sporting a cowgirl hat and a token spur on her foot. Don’t dare go in if you’re hatless or spurless – or at least learn to bow your head in shame and accept that you’re not (yet) a true Texan.

Hold Your Horses​

Many of us are used to signs saying 'no pets allowed’ when we go to the playground, park, or stadium. However, the definition of “pets” expands a lot when you cross over into Texas. Just take a look at the sign below.



If you were thinking of bringing your horses to the baseball game, then you’re out of luck. No horses allowed! Not only are horses not allowed, but no livestock in general – keep your cows, pigs, and goats at home.

Clouds Of Spirit​

As you probably realized by now, there are many traditions in Texas that make little to no sense to out-of-staters. The one below is a prime example of an odd little Texan tradition. Rather than dressing up, they showed off shiny mixes of teddy bears and glitter.



These girls look like an arts and craft project. Spools of tinsel, glitter, and ribbons drape from their wreath-like creations. Regardless of how odd the costumes seem, their smiles show that they’re having a good time.

Life’s A Rodeo​

In most parts of the United States, bull riding means riding mechanical bulls at bars or town fairs. However, in many cities and towns of Texas, it means exactly what it says – riding bulls. Rodeos are massively popular in the Lone Star State.



Although the days of cowboys throwing lassos over cattle in the open plains are over for most people, the tradition of bull riding is still alive and well. In fact, ever since 1997, it has been the state sport of Texas.

Milking It Dry​

Texas is a place that puts a lot of emphasis on its cattle. They share the street, roads, and (occasionally) stadiums with the people of Texas. So, it should come as no surprise that a few cows have made it through the car wash.



In many ways, it’s perfect for them. A high-powered hose can get rid of the dust and grime. Afterward, you can turn that hose to the truck to give it a nice cleaning. With your cattle and truck all fresh, you can drive back to the ranch.
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