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40 bizarre objects lurking deep in the wilderness

Tree of Footwear​

A young couple decided to make hiking part of their daily exercise routine. To add variety, they visited different locations, including forests off the beaten track. One day they came across this:


Image courtesy of 2oldguyswalking/WordPress

A tree that someone has mysteriously decorated with various types of shoes, from brightly colored slippers to sneakers and sandals, all of which have been pinned to the tree for no apparent reason. Nature can be confusing at times.


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Ridiculous find​

This long legged cowboy was created from an oddly shaped tree in the woods. We can't tell if he's the product of imaginative teenagers or crazy art students who had too much material left over after an exhibition. The toilet is an odd detail.


Image courtesy of h3xxya/Reddit

In any case, they managed to catch the public's attention, but the message they left was confusing and bizarre. We don't know what their initial purpose was to spoil a scenic spot.


Unnatural tree growth​

This could be a hoist system used by the lumberjacks to lift the logs, or a makeshift pulley block that was abandoned after the work was completed.


Image courtesy of Thymeseeker/Reddit

Over time, this unnaturally attached trunk will be part of the tree that lifts it up. It looks strange, but nature in its own way heals the damage left by man.



What may have started as an attempt to instill fear now makes for laughs. The photographer of this picture must have been at least as confused as we were.


Image courtesy of mikejclark/Reddit

Tied to a tree at the entrance of a forest park, this two-legged dog looks more funny than scary. We just hope whoever was under the mask is okay.


Elmo's tree​

Whoever went to the trouble of decorating this tree with numerous Elmo stuffed animals must have fallen out with the popular children's TV character. It seems like Elmo wants to be everywhere and do everything at once.


Image courtesy of Television/Reddit

Hikers passing this tree may hear the red figure's falsetto voice ringing in their ears, reminding them to always be kind to everyone. You're doing it right now, aren't you?


living structure​

Backpackers in the Czech Republic had to take a closer look at this maze of trees. They examined the intersecting planks, looking for a way to gain access to what lies within the network of branches.


Image courtesy of killedbyboneshark/Reddit

It turned out to be a construction method that causes minimal impact on the environment and combines nature with human engineering.


burial ground​

A hiker came across this burial ground, or rather a former burial ground. Who knows where their original occupant ended up. Probably to some foggy town or village on the outskirts of civilization.


Image courtesy of Tafsern/Reddit

We hope the hiker didn't fall into the hole in fright. It is a reminder that everything in life is temporary. Everyone who witnesses death should learn to appreciate life.


Freezer in the bushes​

Someone left a chest freezer out in the wilderness. You know what that means. It's either broken or contains eerie remains. We've seen too many horror movies to risk that.


Image courtesy of CapnSparky/Imgur

People don't have to dispose of their commodities in this way. There are repair or recycling services everywhere, which can be easily found on the internet. Don't spoil our peaceful walks by dumping your fridge in it. Whether there are human remains in it or not.


To everyone it affects​

This letter, written in Farsi, appeared in an unusual place in the forest. Maybe the postman got lost on delivery and took a shortcut through the trees. Or maybe the letter wasn't addressed to anyone in particular, the universe, earth or sky - what a lovely thought.


Image courtesy of claygraffix/Reddit

He wishes people physical and spiritual well-being and asks for more blessings for everyone, now and in the future. It's a letter that could have been sent anywhere in the world, but we just hope it wasn't a suicide note to the world.


Occult Practice​

This place could just as easily be straight out of a horror movie where people were reported missing on the radio days before. A few meters away from this mysterious shrine, an eerie smell hangs in the air like a thick curtain.


Image courtesy of panerapartyinmypants/Reddit

This was found by a man walking alone in the woods with his dog. He didn't know what to make of that, but his legs seemed to know where best to go: home.

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