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The Bees From Bumble Buzz In With Their Best Stings


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Trending | December 27, 2021

If the Bumble App were a movie, it would be a rom-com, at least for most. In modern times, digital romance is catching up with real-life romance. But even today, online dating can be surprising.


The conversations exchanged in this app are too good to keep a secret. Unfortunately, there’s no magic wand or scientific formula that can match one person perfectly to another without at least one person getting kissed by a frog instead of a love prince. For your enjoyment, here are some of those adorable frogs.
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Forward Those Letters Or Else​

Not long ago, writing letters was a popular way of getting your message across. Chain letters are a series of perpetuated messages that are supposed to have powers attached to them, a kind of magic that you are not to break—or else.


This person now regrets breaking all those chain letters from years ago and suspects that it may be why he is still single right now. Although we can’t prove it, this bee thinks not, but who are we to judge?


Same Old Pick-up Lines​

Imagine going through hundreds of faces each day to find a match in this app. If you’re lucky, you’ll get a match or two, but getting this conversation started is a whole different ball game. So what would you say to a stranger, just to get the ball rolling?


Thinking of an opening statement or a pickup line can be tricky, but not if you already have you ready for all of your matches. This person had the right idea. Just copy and paste your intro into all your chats, and you will never know what might turn up. It’s better than just “what’s up,” we guess.


Are You Hot Or Cold?​

Compromise should be present in any good relationship, but people can’t change themselves for their partner every time an argument arises. That's why you must choose another person with the same traits, flow, and interests.


This user’s expectations seem to have been whittled down to the most basic needs: having the same thermostat temperature preference. See? Matchmaking isn’t that hard. Everyone should take advice from this girl.


Boy, That Is Ruff!​

Presenting yourself in an app through profile pictures is half the battle. People take this task very seriously. It could, after all, determine your status for the rest of your dating life. Understandably, people want to put their best foot forward, but no one appreciates false advertising.


This guy thought his dog could reel in girls for more matches, but he didn’t consider the consequences. He was looking at the girl, but she was looking at his dog. Maybe he should get his own dog.


Some People Just Click​

There are thousands of people looking for their match. Finding love is almost entirely a matter of chance. So when you find someone who really gets you from the start, you should hold on to them.


These two get it. They found their own language of love where the only rule is to start each sentence with the word “Some.” We have high expectations for these two human entities.


A Little Bit Shallow​

Some people can be a bit judgemental, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Some people just have standards to uphold. The important thing is communication and a little bit of compromise to balance things out.


We are pretty sure that this couple is just joking around, but we can’t help but laugh at how shallow her reasoning was for calling off the date for “the flu.” He sure got the message fast. But, at least he was courteous enough to try and compromise.


When Yoda Makes A Move​

Flirting in the digital age has its pros and cons. Some might find indirect flirting preferable as it doesn’t require face-to-face interaction, but it can also come with its own challenges.


Digital mishaps are often brought about by autocorrect. Unfortunately, before you notice something is wrong, the damage has already been done. The text has been sent. That happened to this poor girl, who accidentally sent a Yoda text as her icebreaker.


Mom Could Be Wrong​

A simple compliment can make a total stranger’s day. This guy certainly turned one young lady’s day around when he gave his honest opinion about her choice of clothing.


I guess to each their own. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This guy really likes the sweater that her mom said, “makes [him] look like a pineapple.”


Spill The Tea​

When people find their special someone in an unexpected place, they can’t wait to spill the tea to their friends. Sometimes, the tea can spill between potential matches. Their humor certainly has us at boiling point.


These two are like two leaves in a teabag. We don’t want to stir the pot, but we can see these two enjoying an English Breakfast in the near future.

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