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credit card agent

  1. A

    Aeon Credit Service

  2. A

    Pijaman peribadi / pinjaman perniagaan / kad kredit... No upfront!!!

    PERKHIDMATAN PINJAMAN PERNIAGAAN, PINJAMAN PERIBADI, KAD KREDIT DAN PEMINDAHAN BAKI TANPA BAYARAN PENDAHULUAN!!! PERKHIDMATAN YANG DISEDIAKAN: 1. Business Cash Loan (BCL / CGC) - untuk perusahaan MIKRO, KECIL dan MEDIUM. - jumlah pinjaman sehingga 400K - pinjaman sehingga 5 tahun. - kadar...
  3. R

    Credit Card Debts Solution

    Ease the pressure on your credit card debts with Easy Payment Plan (EPP) now! Ronnie Lim 011-2001 2612 Perlukan bantuan untuk melangsaikan hutang kad kredit anda dengan lebih selesa? Bayar hutang kad kredit anda dengan Pelan Pembayaran Easy sekarang! (Tidak...
  4. K

    Cari agen selesaikan hutang kredit kad cara EPP di Sabah

    Saya nak cari agen yang boleh setelkan hutang kad kredit cara EPP, di Sabah. Kalau ada please contact saya, kita arrange appointment Kamal 0163338457
  5. W

    FREE tv/S4/GPS: Balance Transfer/Fast Cash(Cash out) from credit card

    Raya have swipe credit card for all expenses to save more from card giving cash back/cash rebate? Amout is abit "besar" to settle in a month or two? Then have to pay 18%p.a. Financing interest? WOW!!! Mahal.. NO WORRIES!!! Now you can do a balance transfer to Alliance Bank Credit card...
  6. W

    Unique credit card in town. Special features!!!

    Are you holding a credit card which can give you 'unexpired point collection" and cash rebate together? Here I have !!!! Besides, Are you holding any credit card with "your favorite pic" on card?? Here I have !!!! If you are not holding these 2 card, NOW is the time to do balance transfer...
  7. L

    Mencari Servis Cash Out Duit Dari Kad Kredit KL/Selangor

    sya rasa ramai nak servis ni juga kan ada sesiapa yg boleh cash out duit dari kad kredit biasa org yg buat servis ni caj 2 ke 3% dari jumlah yg di cash out so far cgrian cakap cari kedai emas kedai emas mana yg biasa buat servis ni ya kut sesiapa tahu area KL Sngor
  8. M

    Part time / Freelancer Financial Product Agent

    Hi there: I am interest to work as part time / freelance financial product agent, promoting personal loan, mortgage loan, mortgage refinance, credit card refinance, insurance and etc. Please kindly pm me, if you have this type of job available. Thank you.
  9. dazrul

    Kad Kredit CIMB-i & HSBC Amanah Dengan Rebet Petrol

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته semua warga CG! Harga Minyak Naik Lagi? Rebet Petrol Dihapuskan? Kini Bukan Lagi Masalah. Dapatkan Rebet Apabila Anda Mengisi Petrol Melalui Kad Kredit CIMB Islamic Gold & HSCB Amanah Platinum. Rebet 2%-8%. Isi petrol guna kad kredit dapat rebet. Membawakan...
  10. mzak

    Hong Leong Bank Pembiayaan Peribadi Pindahan Baki~Kadar Dari 7.50%p.a*

    ~Need Refinance Your Credit Card Outstanding Balance???~ ~Need Refinance Your Personal Loan From Others Bank???~ ~I Wish To Save On Interest~ ~I Wish To Reduce My Monthly Payment~ Sebab untuk memohon Pembiayaan Peribadi Pindahan Baki Hong Leong Islamic Bank hari ini! ~ Kadar pembiayaan...
  11. zaimi2

    ~~Saya nak jadi agent card credit untuk semua bank yang ada di malaysia~~

    salam semua merujuk pada perkara di atas saya nak jadi agen credit card untuk sekurang2 nya 15 bank seluruh malaysia or bukan bank (janji credit card yang sah under BNM) kemudian sapa2 leh offer saya.saya nak jadi agent EPP :) senarai bank adalah seperti berikut Affin Bank Berhad...
  12. razie83

    Bagaimana Menjadi Agen Kad Kredit?

    Assalam semua, aku ni teringin nak buat part-time, nak jadi agen kad kredit, tp mcm mn nak jadi agen kad kradit ni, aku xtau, ada sapa2 yg tau boleh bg info kat sini. harap member2 cg dpt membantu... :)cgrock
  13. mzak

    Public Bank-esso mobil visa credit card- Cash Back Up 8%&15%.

    Kini Public Bank Memperkenalkan PB-ESSO MOBIL VISA CREDIT CARD Untuk Anda Dan Nikmatilah Pelbagai Ganjaran Yang Menanti Anda Apabila Anda Memiliki Kad Ini. Apply Now! Free For Life KEISTIMEWAAN: Nikmati rebat Tunai Sebanyak 8%* Dimana-mana Stesen Servis Esso Atau Mobil Dan Juga Pembelian...
  14. visi-sufi

    Projek Bebas Hutang Kad Kredit Kaedah EPP - 0% Interest

    Benefits of transfer (from normal credit card rates/charges to EPP) Saving up to 12% interest per annum Reduce minimum payment up to 47% Able to settle the outstanding balance within 3 years Allow to pay for the minimum payment of the monthly installment Refresh record for increasing credit...
  15. rocketeer999

    mintak tlg....nak apply credit card ni......

    salam, 1) korg, aku nk mintak tlg kot dlm CG ni ade ejen2 yg buleh buat credit card, xkesah la bank mane tp jgn bank islam, sbb aku dah ade bank islam....sbbnye aku rase komitment aku dah terlebey... 2) sbnrnye aku pon xnk tmbh CC ni, tp sbb Credit Limit aku kecik, aku xleh nk merempit jauh...
  16. vvconline

    Introducing MVCC EXCLUSIVE to CGF the ultimate virtual card

    Hello CGF'ers Today im proud to introduce to you all my new product MVCC What is MVCC MVCC stand for = multipurpose virtual credit card An MVCC is virtual replacement for a real credit card. If you cant obtain a real visa, or if you are under Age, or if you want to hide your real credit card...
  17. M

    Sell CCV (US,UK,AU,FR,DE...)cheap fresh 100% and very good!!! (Warranty)

    Sell CCV (US,UK,AU,FR,DE...)cheap fresh 100% and very good!!! (Warranty) Please contact me : [email protected] YaHoo: mouse_ccv Hello all ! I'm a seller ccv good and trusted I hope you support me ! cvv my best for you !!! I sell to are CCV: US, UK, CA, AU,DE,JP .... Account XXX, Rapidshare...
  18. silverchair959

    Swipe Credit Card dan ambil Cash (TANPA EPP)

    Assalamualaikum warga CG sekalian... Perlukan Bantuan !! Aku swipe cc kat kedai korang tapi korang bagi aku cash 3k Sebagai balasan aku bagi RM150 cash ataupun swipe RM3150 terus tapi aku amik 3k jer... Harap mereka yang ada kedai dan ada fasiliti pembayaran melalui kredit kad dapat...
  19. V

    To Sell Virtual CreditCard for Paypal, Ebay and google

    VirtualCreditCard for Paypal,ebay and google want to activate or varify your paypal,ebay,google adsense account? No Credit card? Dont want to Put Your Credit card info On the Net! But you want to verify your account online, we are the solution. we sell VCC to activate or verify your...
  20. J

    Nak dapatkan service untuk pembayaran kad kredit

    salam semua. saya nak tahu kalau2 geng cg di sini tahu kat mana saya boleh dapatkan perkhidmatan pembayaran menggunakan kad kredit untuk syarikat saya. mcm merchant kad kredit, tapi nak apply kat bank belum cukup syarat, so skang nak cari provider yg sediakan perkhidmatan ini utk saya gunakan...
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