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Adobe Illustrator - How to Create a Desk Lamp

32. Pick the Rounded Rectangle Tool, simply click on your artboard and enter the data as shown in the first image, then click OK. Make sure that the rounded rectangle is still selected and go to the Object > Expand… Click on the OK when the Expand box appear, then press (Ctrl +Shift +G) to ungroup the result. Make two copies (Ctrl +C, Ctrl +F, Ctrl +F) of the rounded rectangle and then reduce the width of the two copies. Next place three newly created objects to the positions like you see in the second image. Now reselect these objects and go to the Object > Transform > Reflect… Set the Axis to Vertical and then click Copy. Drag the copies we have just created to the right. Don’t forget to hold the Shift key on the keyboard for straight dragging. Reselect all six objects created in this step and go to the Effect > Ward > Arch… In the Ward Options box, follow the data like you see in the fourth image and click OK, then go to the Object > Expand Appearance and press (Ctrl +Shift +G) to ungroup the result. Now select and remove three objects as shown in the fifth image. Finally fill three remaining objects with R=9, G=8, B=6.





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33. To add some details, first create two curved paths as shown below. Next fill these paths with none and add a 1px stroke (R=225, G=224, B=226), then apply the Width Profile 3 for the resulting path. Continue create a vertical line like you see in the third image. Once your line is drawn, fill it with none and add a 2px stroke (R=255, G=255, B=255). Next open the Stroke palette (Window > Stroke) and click on the Round Cap button.


34. Select and group (Ctrl + G) all objects created from beginning step 32 to this time, then go to the Object > Transform > Reflect… Check the Vertical and click Copy. Drag the copy we have just created to the right. Don’t forget to hold the Shift key on the keyboard for straight dragging.

37. With the help of the Pen Tool (P) create three objects and fill them as shown in the images below, then apply the Gaussian Blur effect for the resulting shapes. Next reselect these shapes and group them. Now select the shape created in the step 36, duplicate it and bring the copy to front. Keep the new shape selected, hold down the Shift and click on the new group created in this step, then go to the Object > Clipping Mask > Make (Ctrl +7).




38. Fill the red ellipse with the radial gradient as shown below. Make a copy of the resulting ellipse, then remove the fill color of the copy and add a 2px stroke (apply the linear gradient across stroke). Next pick the Ellipse Tool (L) and create a 60 by 60px object. Place this ellipse to the position like you see in the third image and fill it with R=252, G=251, B=246, then hide the resulting ellipse behind the front of the lamp shade. At this point your lamp should look like in the final image below.




39. It’s time to draw the cords. With the Pen Tool (P) create two objects as shown below. Once your objects are drawn, fill the red object with R=61, G=60, B=55. Next fill the blue path with none and add a 6px stroke (R=65, G=64, B=66). Make a copy (Ctrl +C, Ctrl +F) of the resulting path, then replace the existing stroke color of the copy with the linear gradient along stroke and change the stroke weight of it to 1px. Reselect the new shape created in this step and bring it to front. Next select three newly created objects created in this step and then send them to back.

Create the Lamp Shade

Create the Lamp Shade


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