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Adobe Illustrator - How to Create a Desk Lamp

22. Continue create two objects as shown below and fill them with R=253, G=253, B=250, then send the resulting shapes to back.

Create the Elbow Joints
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23. Pick the Ellipse Tool (L) and create a 11 by 11px ellipse, then fill it with R=100, G=99, B=95. Make a copy of the resulting shape and replace the existing color of the copy with the linear gradient as shown in the second image. Next move it 1px down and 1px to the right. Keep the newly created ellipse selected and go to the Object > Path > Offset Path… Enter a -2.5px Offset and click OK, then replace the existing color of the new ellipse with R=65, G=65, B=62. Next select three ellipses created in this step and send them to back (Ctrl +Shift +Left Square Bracket).

Create the Elbow Joints


24. Let’s work on creation of screws. With the Ellipse Tool (L) create a 7 by 7px ellipse and then fill it with R=0, G=0, B=24. Make a copy of the newly created ellipse, then replace the existing color of the copy with R=225, G=225, B=223 and move the resulting ellipse 0.5px up. Pick the Line Segment Tool (\) and create a horizontal line as shown in the third image. Fill the line with none and add a 2px stroke (apply the linear gradient across stroke). Now select the white ellipse created in this step, duplicate it once and then bring the copy to front (Ctrl +Shift +Right Square Bracket). Keep the new ellipse selected, hold down the Shift and click on the horizontal line, then go to the Object > Clipping Mask > Make (Ctrl +7). Likewise, repeat the same process to draw more screws. Finally place the newly created screws to the positions like you see in the last images below.







Create the Springs​

25. With the Line Segment Tool (\) create a horizontal line of length 114px, with a 1px stroke and no fill. Keep the line selected and go to the Effect > Distort & Transform > Zig Zag… Follow the data as shown below and click OK, then replace the existing color of the resulting object with the linear gradient within stroke. Make sure that the resulting object is still selected, rotate it an angle of about -22 degrees and then place it to the position as shown in the fourth image. Next create two curved paths like you see in the fifth image. Once your paths are drawn, fill the red path with none and add a 1px stroke (R=65, G=64, B=66). Then fill the remaining path with none and add a 1px stroke (R=167, G=169, B=172). Now select three objects created in this step and group (Ctrl +G) them, then hide this group behind the screws.




28. Pick the Rectangle Tool (M) and create threes rectangles with dimensions: 19 by 15px, 29 by 14px and 19 by 11px. Now select the black and the magenta rectangle, then rotate these rectangles an angle of about -6 degrees. Next select the red rectangle and rotate it an angle of about 30 degrees. Then place these rectangles to the positions like you see in the third image. After you are done arranging the rectangles, fill them with the linear gradient. To add more detail, first draw a path as shown in the seventh image. Once your path is drawn, fill it with none and add a 1px stroke (apply the linear gradient within stroke). Finally select all objects created in this step and send them to back.







Create the Lamp Shade​

29. Using the Ellipse Tool (L) create a 190 by 78px ellipse. Make two copies (Ctrl +C, Ctrl +F, Ctrl +F) of this ellipse, then replace the existing stroke color of a copy with blue and move the top anchor point of the blue ellipse 76px up. Next select the remaining copy and the blur object, then open the Pathfinder palette (Window > Pathfinder) and click on the Minus Back button. Now with the help of the Direct Selection Tool (A) along with the Shift, adjust the shape of the blue object like you see in the final image below.



30. Pick the Rectangle Tool (M) and create a 56 by 38px object. With the Add Anchor Point Tool (+), add a point highlighted with green and move this anchor point 18px up, then place the object just edited to the position as shown in the fourth image. Reselect the blue object created in the step 29 and duplicate it once. Keep the copy selected, hold down the Shift and click on the red object created in this step, then open the Pathfinder palette (Window > Pathfinder) and click on the Minus Back button. Next select the top anchor point of the resulting object and click on the "Convert selected anchor points to smooth" button from the Properties bar. Now with the help of the Direct Selection Tool (A) along with the Shift, adjust the shape of the red object like you see in the seven image below. Finally fill this object with the linear gradient as shown in the final image.



31. To add some details, first draw a curved path as shown below. Once your path is draw, fill it with none and add a 1px stroke (R=68, G=63, B=55), then apply the Width Profile 1 for the resulting path. Continue create two red objects like you see in the third image. Next fill these objects with R=242, G=242, B=243 and then apply a 2px Gaussian Blur effect for the resulting shapes.


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