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Adobe Illustrator - How to Create a Desk Lamp


CG Hardcore Club
Paid Membership
Feb 15, 2009
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Adobe Illustrator can be a little tricky to get your hands around, particularly after getting used to the workflow of applications like Photoshop. The differences between layer use and the creation of objects and shapes can be really strange at first hand.

In the following tutorial you will learn to create a desk lamp by using some basic tools, vector shape building techniques, complex gradients, duplicated shapes and some effects. So let’s begin!

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Create a New Document​

1. Launch Illustrator and then press (Ctrl + N) to create a New document. Select Pixels from the Units drop-down menu, enter 1100 in the width box and 900 in the height box then click on the Advanced button. Select RGB, Screen (72ppi) and make sure that the Align New Objects to Pixel Grid box is unchecked before you click OK.

Create a New Document

Create the Lamp Base​

2. Start with drawing a 208 by 49px ellipse using the Ellipse Tool (L). Keep the ellipse selected and go to the Object > Path > Offset Path… Enter a 5px Offset and click OK. Next replace the existing stroke color of the new ellipse with red and then move it 24px down.

3. Before you continue, reselect the black ellipse, duplicate it (Ctrl +C, Ctrl +F) and then lock the copy (Ctrl +2). Now select four anchor points highlighted with blue and click on the "Cut path at selected anchor points" button from the Properties bar. This make two ellipses become four paths. Select two paths as shown in the second image and then remove them. Focus on the fourth image, select two anchor points highlighted with blue and click on the "Connect selected end points" button from the Properties bar. Likewise, do the same for the two anchor points highlighted with magenta. Finally select the newly created object and fill it with R=91, G=90, B=88.
4. Press (Ctrl +Alt +2) to unlock the black ellipse and then fill it with the linear gradient as shown below. Keep the resulting shape selected, make a copy (Ctrl +C, Ctrl +F) of it and replace the existing color of the copy with R=155, G=155, B=152, then go to the Effect > Stylize > Feather… Enter a 5px Radius and click OK.

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