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40 priceless life failures caught on camera

fulfill its purpose​

Imagine walking into a bathroom, distracted by the many things you have to do that day, and then you see this soap dispenser with a bar of soap inside. I'm sure you'll be stunned. Yes, we understand the meaning of putting soap in a soap dispenser, but not a bar.


Do you think the person who put that soap was joking? Or did she really think it was going to work? In any case, you can use that soap. But instead of pressing it, you just have to open the lid and take out the pill.

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trust issues​

How could I ignore this architectural design? It could be a new security measure to ensure that no one sees your pin code. Although the intention appears to be good, the execution may not be adequate. What do you think?


We can't argue that some people have a unique way of thinking, just like the architect who designed this building. From the looks of it, people have to squat down when they want to use the ATM. Maybe it wouldn't be a problem if you were 1.80 meters tall and had long arms that correspond to your height. You would only have to stand up on the stairs.


Food photo failure​

Thanks to smartphones, cameras are ubiquitous and people take every opportunity to take a selfie. Some people take photos of their food before eating it and post it on social media. It has ceased to be a fad to become something normal that most people do.


This is an example of how hard some people are to take photos. This woman didn't even care that her food spilled all over the table. Her food was already dry when she realized what had happened. We just hope you enjoy her night with her friend despite the incident.


hover car​

As technology evolves, there is the possibility that the human being has his own car capable of floating in the sea. Maybe we'll even have a flying car, like the one in Harry Potter. We are looking forward to seeing what the technology will look like in the years to come.


This group of friends was having the time of their lives. However, things quickly got complicated when they arrived at a beautiful sandy beach. His amusement faded when the car got stuck in the wet sand. We hope all is well and that your vehicle was salvaged before the tide came in. However, from this picture, it doesn't look good!


cut my roll​

This type of packaging is notoriously frustrating because you have to struggle to open it. For most people, using scissors is the most efficient way to get through hard plastic. However, things don't always go as planned.


How would you feel if you accidentally cut the USB cable you just bought while trying to open this type of packaging? It would be very frustrating. Not only did you just waste your money, but you'll also have to deal with that packaging again when you buy a new one.


A Hogwarts arena?​

The adrenaline rush of being in a large stadium witnessing a sporting event cannot be overstated. It's much more exciting when you hear the screams of the audience. While watching it on TV is fine, there's nothing like watching a game up close and personal.


However, imagine if you had these seats? Instead of watching the game, you would end up looking at the wall. If you were directed to one of these chairs, you would most likely be furious. What's the point of all this? Can someone explain it to us?


The struggle to have cats​

Having a cat as a pet is a real delight. Cats are intelligent pets with whom we have lived in harmony for a long time. Some people believe that cats also possess supernatural abilities. If you have cats, we are sure that you have had some fun experience like the one shown in the following image.


Some cat parents agree that bathing is not a good idea. Most cats don't like to get wet, so we don't recommend following this man's example and bathing with one. The worst thing about his decision is that he is naked, leaving him totally exposed to the cat's claws.


Not enough natural light​

It's normal to get creative when you only have a small area in your house. You will try anything to make it look more spacious. There are many ways to modify the layout of your rooms and make it look like you have a larger space. However, this idea is simply exaggerated.


The idea of having natural light is good, but having a transparent bathroom is outrageous. The worst thing about this open toilet is that it appears to be right next to the front door. The idea is interesting, but the execution is poor.


Just a coincidence​

Biting your nails is common when you are stressed. Some people bite their nails in the midst of stressful activities, like taking a test or waiting for an important meeting to start. In general, nail biting can relax you and help you focus on the task at hand, but it's not the healthiest habit.


Is it a pure coincidence? The lady in the photo must have been dealing with a lot and she thought that biting her nails would relieve her stress. If only she had taken a look at the newspaper to the right of her. We hope that she and all the other people who bite their nails are doing well.


Get stuck​

There is a reason why you have to take an exam before you get your permit. The purpose of the driving test is to show that you can drive a car safely and be responsible for yourself and others. However, there are certain drivers whose driving license we would like to question.


It is important to respect traffic signs, rules and laws. They are there for a reason. When driving, always be aware and look around you for potential hazards, such as heavy rain, road construction, or icy roads. If you don't, you'll probably end up like the driver in this photo.

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