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40 Funny and Weird Selfie Backgrounds


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Selfies have been popular for a while now. Most young people of this generation have at least a hundred selfies hiding on their camera roll—and some of them may even have unintentionally comedic gold hiding in the background. Because of profilicity, people will do whatever it takes to be selfie-ready or to be instagrammable for a few likes or shares.


However, things don't always go to plan. This list contains examples of selfies that definitively show that things don’t always go to plan. It’s a lesson that reminds us why it’s important to check the area around our beautiful faces before clicking upload on our social media platform of choice. Enjoy!
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Eyes On The Ball​

It’s a common occurrence to see people taking pictures when they go to a game. It’s proof that you were there when the action happened—you can send it to your sports fan friend or family member who’s been dying to watch the game live. This girl had everything lined up for a perfect selfie—the lighting, the smile…


Source: Pinterest

…But she didn’t realize how close to the action she was. Just when this lovely lady pushed the capture button phone, the action came straight to her. We’re just hoping this is a joke that one of her friends played on her and not the incoming ball bat by one of the pro players. This image is a great reminder to be grateful for whatever you have now. You never know what might hit you!


Supernatural Carpet​

Buying a new carpet for your home can be challenging. There are so many colors and designs to choose from, plus you have to think of the budget as well. Good to know that this lady was able to find the perfect carpet for her home. Of course, one of the first things that you might do after the fact is taking a selfie to share the moment.


It looks like she left the face swap feature on, and her phone miraculously detected a face on her new flooring. This is especially creepy, as apps like Snapchat have filters that can detect faces to do fun things like swapping them around in real-time. Why did the app detect another face in her background? Is there a spirit hanging out under the floorboards?

Dazed And Confused​

A Ke$ha-themed party is not as easy to prepare for as you think. Ke$ha is known to have a wild look, especially in her music videos. This dad took a shot after dressing up to look like Ke$ha for a birthday party. Since he was looking awesome, he took a selfie with his daughter.


Source: Imgur/ronisneat

However, it seems that she wasn’t as impressed as we are. She looks puzzled and confused about her dad’s costume. She was probably secretly hoping that he wasn’t planning to include her in his selfie. But hey, sometimes, that’s just how your dad shows that he loves you.


Horsing Around​

Our phones and their cameras are getting smarter over time. There’s no need to know how to calibrate your device for a shot—they just know how to do it. However, they may be smart, but they’re not perfect. It’s still better to use human judgment from time to time, just like here.


Source: Reddit

This young man didn’t double-check the focus on his camera before snapping his picture. The result? Horse booty. Maybe he just didn’t catch it from behind those shades. He’d better fix this one before he finds his reputation tailing behind.


Mirror, Mirror On The Wall​

In the fairytale Snow White, the Witch Queen always puts one question to the mirror: “Am I the most beautiful of them all?” In the end, her obsession with the mirror led to her downfall. After all, mirrors are sometimes referred to as “killjoys,” or KJ for short.


Source: Pinterest

This young lady seems to have it all—beautiful make-up, great hair, and an attractive smile. She decided to take a selfie, but unfortunately, she decided to do it while doing her business on the toilet, as we can see thanks to the mirror. This is a reminder to always check your surroundings first before taking a picture or posting it online.


Daddy, Daughter, And Dog​

Taking pictures of your little ones is a nice feeling as a parent. Documenting their growth, their milestones, or just making silly memories with them can all be fulfilling. It’s not always easy to get one, though, as kids can be notoriously squirmy in front of the camera.


Source: Reddit/vinnyty

At first glance, you might think that this is just a normal photo of a dad and daughter. But when you look closer, you’ll notice that the dog is doing its own business. It looks kind of like the dog is doing its business on the baby's head. This is somehow adorable and gross at the same time!

Split Second Reaction​

The fear of spiders, arachnophobia, is a pretty common phobia. Whether it’s their hairy legs, the way they crawl, or the way they make their web, some people can’t just look at them. Unbeknownst to these two girls, this little spider decided to join their selfie.


Source: Pinterest

They were just having fun taking pictures of themselves when suddenly, the girl holding the camera captured her friend in a panic over a little spider. Maybe the spider was weighing up whether he should make her the next spider girl? We may never know.


A Glimpse Of A Future​

Sometimes, we take selfies just to have fun. Other times we do it to show we were there while important was happening in the background, just like this man who seems to have found his future look-alike standing right behind him.


Source: Twitter/OsmarSi99788392

There are many similarities—body build, facial features, and even their yellow-colored shirts. It seems that this man is taking a look into his own future. He could also just be his father, but whatever the case is, this is a cute encounter.


Lies, Eyes, and Alibis​

Posting selfies on social media as an update to what’s happening in your life is not new. People share whatever they’re doing—their breakfast, their workout, their work, a quote from their book, or even just a traffic update from the ground. However, just be careful—some netizens out there have eagle eyes.


Source: Imgur

This man was looking for pity from a certain someone when he sent a selfie complaining about the traffic. What he probably didn’t expect was for someone to look a little closer. You can see a wide-open road ahead of him through his sunglasses. We wonder what his nefarious reasons were… or maybe he was just late and wanted to make up an excuse.

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