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People who asked for Photoshop help and got funny results


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Everyone loves an Insta-able selfie at the right moment. The only problem is that most pictures don't succeed on the first try! Is there anything else you can do afterwards? Here you go: James Fridman, the editing genius. Facebook users turn to him to turn their goofs into something downright magical.
What they don't realize is that James takes their requests far more literally than they had hoped. So next time someone asks to look "grim" - well, just read on and you'll understand for yourself.
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Pet me in a Bugatti​

We all understand the need to impress our friends, and we may sometimes be a little generous with the truth. But seriously, this guy just told his friends that he's the proud owner of a Bugatti.


Facebook / James Fridman

He needed proof and James was his man. Unfortunately he said "pet" instead of "out" and James made sure he got what he wanted. At least he can now show his friends his Bugatti - good luck explaining why you're a dog being petted by a giant hand!
Find more creative and wacky Photoshop surprises from James and his colleagues right here!



going out with her​

James perfectly responded to a request to remove one of the girls from this picture. Look at that!



It's a pretty mean thing, after all, so he had to come up with a good answer. James perfectly responded to this request, removing one of the girls from the picture. Instead of removing them, he removed all the other girls and put himself in the picture. Then he said he went out with her and they had fun. Totally Owned!



I'm pregnant!​

It's sad when 2 people are on a date and one of them spends more time on their phone. It's so common these days!


Facebook / James Fridman

This girl was obviously quite desperate to change this and had to ask a photoshop expert to step in to get her boyfriend to show at least a little interest in her. We have to say that adding the speech bubble was a brilliant move and seems to have had the desired effect. Too bad she had to go to so much trouble when he should have been attentive in the first place.




The man has a beautiful girlfriend and that's a great picture, but some people are never satisfied.


Facebook / James Fridman

Instead of accepting the picture, this man decided that his girl's skirt was too short and asked James to change it for him. James agreed and lengthened the dress. However, he undressed the girl completely. He clearly needs some manners taught. Hopefully one day he will find someone willing to be photographed in an oversized dress.



stylistic problems​

Another problem with the background - this time the girl didn't like the look of the man and she felt that it would ruin a perfect picture.


Facebook / James Fridman

So she reached out to James to do something about it, obviously hoping he would remove the guy entirely. Instead, he decided to take it a step further and simply change "his looks." Now that the guy is wearing an outfit that matches the girl's, he looks a lot more stylish and not so out of place. He actually wears it pretty well.



A tough fight​

This picture is pretty funny in itself, but the man thought it would be even more amusing if he got James to edit the picture to make it look like he was fighting the goose.


Facebook / James Fridman

Of course he wanted to end up being the hero, but things turned out differently when James decided the goose would be on the winning side. The winner of this particular battle is the goose - he ends up with his head under the ground and the goose is the star of the show.



You look great​

Life can get complicated when 2 girlfriends fall in love with the same man, and even good friendships can fall by the wayside. This one girl decided to get help to send this picture to the object of their mutual affection.


Facebook / James Fridman

Apparently making a good impression on this man is very important to her, so she turned to a photoshop professional online with a specific brief. Her main problem, apart from who she chose to work with, was that she should have paid more attention at school. She misspelled the word "great" and unfortunately got exactly what she wanted. Now she looks like she's been squeezed through a giant cheese grater. Karma.



One and the same​

Sometimes the perfect profile picture needs a little editing to make it your own. This man just wanted people to be able to recognize him in the photo.


Facebook / James Fridman

Most people would have just cut out the others, but if you wanted "most of the people" then why James? James had a much more novel solution to the problem and just turned everyone into the same person so there can be no more confusion.



mirror Mirror​

Sometimes people can be irrationally jealous, and we suspect that's the case with this girl who's mad at her friend for looking at someone else instead of her. Oops!


Facebook / James Fridman

These things are often very important during puberty, so the girl turned to James to rectify the situation. James decided to make life easy and put up a mirror. Now the girl looks right and everyone is happy again!


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