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People who asked for Photoshop help and got funny results

Look professional​

We all know someone who gets a little out of hand at weddings. May I introduce Jim. Jim has had a drink or two too many and his look angers the groom.


Facebook / James Fridman

He uses Photoshop to improve both Jim's looks and his weird dance routines. Most people would have shrugged and told him to delete the picture, but James, who never gives up, just made him look like the official cameraman. It doesn't get any more formal than this!


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The Curious Case of Benjamin Button​

Most of us spend years trying to look younger - not this guy. He just wants people to show him some respect, but he looks like a 12-year-old schoolboy.


Facebook / James Fridman

He can't age himself, so he turns to James' Photoshop skills to give him a more mature look. Nothing says aging like losing your hair. Balding out, he really does look like an adult now and should get the respect he deserves. Another problem has been solved.



wear sunscreen​

It's very important to protect your skin when the sun is shining - not only can it burn you in the short-term, it can cause all sorts of serious health problems in the long-term.


Facebook / James Fridman

The other thing, of course, is that you end up looking like a well-cooked lobster, as these two found out when they decided to go outside without sunscreen. They asked James to clean up the sunburn because it ruined the picture. He smeared himself with sunscreen - if only they had done that from the start!



Two left feet​

This pretty young lady has already gone through the editing process. But today James wasn't involved in that Photoshop fix. How can the fans know for sure? For one, he would have complained about his work. But more importantly, someone stepped foot on foot here. This is not a metaphor!


Hollywood life

If you look closely, the professional editor seems to have picked way too many identical feet for the same girl. One is of course enough. Nobody wants to have two left feet - or two right feet! If only James were there. Sometimes the best is just good enough!



Under where?​

Ah yes. Fresh from 2014, this was the hottest Underoo ad of the summer. This year boxers, briefs and even boxers have been eclipsed with a brand new model from Desmiit. Never heard of this line? As it turns out, neither has anyone else.



The creative editor may have made a few mistakes with this campaign. Without the guidance of expert James, this model's step is everywhere - back, front and back again! This style never really caught on in the years that followed. It's not hard to see why either!


double trouble​

Yes, it's true that Angelina Jolie went through an adoption wave at one point. Fans were surprised to learn about her motherly side when it all started. Maybe they only knew her from wild action roles. But mom was the role she secretly wanted the most.


Photoshop disasters

First, she adopted a baby from Cambodia. Then she found a child in Ethiopia. But there's a mistake in this family photo: they weren't twins! A Photoshop edit gave readers a double take, and it looks like the magazine's editor still has no idea. James, are you fixing this family?


The morning after​

Everyone knows how many episodes Dr. Phil meanwhile has done about catfishing. This topic is getting old! Still, it's not dead. Facetune can tweak and stretch images in any direction, but some men and women take the tool a bit too far. Look here: Exhibit A.


Instagram / @beauty.false

Everyone has a few weaknesses that they like to cover up when no one is looking. But this is a little bit more than that! The beauty.false Instagram blog tracks the worst offenders, and the results are startling. This one is even crazier than James' jokes!


Leggy Ladies​

Long legs are a gift, some would say. But fourteen of them? That might be too much, even for leg lovers. What on earth is going on with this Photoshop job, and where's James when you need him?


Reddit / d4n1l0v3

If you had to guess, it looks like there was some kind of experiment combining women and bugs. Man has two legs, but that is clearly not the case here. Who would attempt such a thing, especially in the advertising industry? Call an expert who can solve the problem quickly!


One Direction, Two Direction​

This is an odd request and we still can't figure out why the two needed someone to edit the image so they weren't both looking in the same direction.


Facebook / James Fridman

Maybe they thought it would make the picture more interesting, who knows? Whatever the reason, they turned to James to fix their eyes. James corrected the shot by - well, you can see - fixing her eyes. They no longer face in the same direction. Whether that's the intended effect remains to be seen, but we're not sure if the image has improved as a result.



No phone, no selfie​

When this man decided to take a selfie of himself in the mirror, he decided he needed to take the phone out of the picture.


Facebook / James Fridman

Who better to help him than James? While James managed to get the phone out of his hands as requested, if there's no phone there's no selfie either. Maybe the guy should do himself a favor and spend a few bucks on a selfie stick.


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