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Time now: Jun 1, 12:00 AM

Install wifi driver dalam Linux Mint

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Holla geng...

Mintak tlg camno nak install wifi dongle dlink dwa-123 d1 dalam linux mint. driver package dah donlod manually. tp dongle tak detect oleh os nih. tq

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential git
$ sudo git clone
$ cd rtl8188eu

$ lsusb
$ cp usb_intf.c usb_intf.c.backup
$ vim rtl8188eu/os_dep/usb_intf.c
{USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x330F)**, /* DLink DWA-125 REV D1 */
# Above line replaced by the following
{USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x3310)**, /* DLink DWA-125 REV D1 */

$ sudo make all
$ sudo make install
$ sudo modprobe -r 8188eu
$ sudo modprobe 8188eu
$ sudo cp rtl8188eufw.bin /lib/firmware/rtlwifi/

# Some commands for Wireless configuraition
$ ps -A | grep network-manager
$ sudo ifconfig wlan0 up
$ sudo dhclient wlan0
$ sudo iwlist wlan0 scan
$ sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid blhotspot key 12345678

# Wireless Lan Manual Configuration
$ sudo vim /etc/modules
$ add "rtl8188eu" at the end of file of modules so that it won't have to be executed of sudo modprobe 8188eu
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential git
$ sudo git clone
$ cd rtl8188eu

$ lsusb
$ cp usb_intf.c usb_intf.c.backup
$ vim rtl8188eu/os_dep/usb_intf.c
{USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x330F)**, /* DLink DWA-125 REV D1 */
# Above line replaced by the following
{USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x3310)**, /* DLink DWA-125 REV D1 */

#latest rtl package already have
#{USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x3310)**, /* DLink DWA-123 REV D1 */

$ sudo make all
$ sudo make install
$ sudo modprobe -r 8188eu
$ sudo modprobe 8188eu
$ sudo cp rtl8188eufw.bin /lib/firmware/rtlwifi/

# Some commands for Wireless configuraition
$ ps -A | grep network-manager
$ sudo ifconfig wlan0 up
$ sudo dhclient wlan0
$ sudo iwlist wlan0 scan
$ sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid blhotspot key 12345678[/STRIKE]

# Wireless Lan Manual Configuration
$ sudo vi /etc/modules
$ add "rtl8188eu" at the end of file of modules so that it won't have to be executed of sudo modprobe 8188eu

sudah update & boleh gunakan dongle dwa-123
cuma tak perlu commands yg sya dah strike-out
wireless config guna gui :cool:

tq very much bro.
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