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playstation 3

  1. K

    Wanted Controller PS3 terpakai

    salam semua... - kawan nak cari controller ps3 original terpakai - budget bawah rm90...condition tip top (semua berfungsi dengan baik) - kalu ada hubungi sms/call/whatapps : 013-2559285 (karim) :)cgrock
  2. M

    Wanted PS3 slim

    WTB PS3 slim full set + 1 controller *xnk game Cod area kota damansara. Budget rm400 - rm550
  3. nickyr8

    Wanted PS3 500gb Super Slim

    Sape ader nak jual? 2nd hand punye dan masih ade warranti sony la klu cg
  4. driftking

    Wanted Sony ps3 component cable

    assalamaulaikum ada x sapa2 tau kat mana ada jual SONY PS3 COMPONENT CABLE? aku cari dah merata...xjumpa...kalau ada yang tau or ye... thanks
  5. M

    Wanted Ps3 jailbreak

    nak tnya ada x sesiapa buat ps3 jailbreakkk
  6. nzie

    Wanted Ylod/rsod PS3 console

    as the title stated,i want to buy RSOD (FW 3.55 or below) OR YLOD only console,which fresh 1st time never repair before.please offer me if you want to sell yours.
  7. odie

    Wanted PS3...sesape nak jual?

    Salam, semoga sumer gamerz berada dlm keadaan sy nk tau ade tk sesape nk jual PS3? coz ingatkan nak beli second jek utk hiburan family:) kalo ade,tlg inform ASAP..tq:)
  8. endingman86

    Wanted PS3 Games

    Salam.... sesapa mau jual 2nd hand ps3 games info den... den nak 3 jenis jer.... 1. Pes 2010 2. Winning Eleven 2010 3. God of War 3 sesapa ada mau jual...bagitaulah.....mesti nak update pes 2011 punye....aku nak main 2010 jer....kang pakai baru punye aku kene belasah lak....hehehe...
  9. K

    To Sell Brand New Unlocked HTC Google Nexus One$280,Apple iphone 3GS 32GB$230

    Our goal is to provide the highest quality electronics product at the lowest cost on the Internet. We offer high quality products at a very affordable price. In any business, the customer’s satisfaction is every supplier’s main concern. At Phones World Ltd, Our customer’s repeated satisfaction...
  10. P

    Wanted Ps3

    Salam to all, Saper2 ada nak jual ps3 pls PM me or email. Thank:):):):)
  11. faridsylar

    Wanted Ingin Membeli USB Mic PS3

    aku baru beli game Guitar Hero 5 utk PS3 tp game nie perlukan USB mic utk main... kat mana aku leh cari USB mic utk PS3 nie dan brape harga dia... terima kasih... :)cgrock:)cgrock:)cgrock:)cgrock
  12. P

    To Sell Psp3 untuk dijual

    :)cgrock:)cgrock:)cgrock salam semua....kat sini aku nak jual akunyer psp slim warna coklat.....charger,casing/psp bag,memori 8GB.....kalau berminat just sms me ok?.....0196692434.... harga rm600 cash.....
  13. oldskoolrocka

    Wanted XBOX 360 or PS3 2nd Hand

    Sape2 ade nk jwal xbox 360 or PS3 2nd hand bole la kontek aku.PM aku Xbox 360 tu biar la set falcon or jasper..n xpenah kne 3rd rod.. range price aku bly tawar RM500-600 PS3 lak jgn la penah kne YLOD..huhu..price aku bly bg 600-700 utk set 80GB..if 40GB murah lg la.. Sape2 ade trase da busan...
  14. Senju95

    Wanted Ps3 / Xbox

    asallamuaalaikum aku nak beli ps3 atau xbox tak kisah x box 360 ke apa ke asal kan x box secondhand pun takpe kalau boleh aku nak bawah 700 kalau ada bagi nombor handphone/email nanti aku reply :)cgrock:)cgrock:)cgrock:D
  15. pecot85

    Wanted Games call of duty 4: modern warfare

  16. oldskoolrocka

    Wanted Playstation 3 2nd hand

    ade sape2 nak jual PS3 2nd hand x?40gb diutamakan...yg 80GB if murah pon ok gak gk..if ade,PM AKU..:)cgrock:)cgrock
  17. adil2604

    Wanted aku nak beli ps3 ada sape nak jual..???

    aku nak beli ps3 2nd n ada sesiapa nak jual tak... kalau harga berpatutan aku ambik lar... jangan mahal2 sgt...TQ:D
  18. fanlee

    To Sell sape nak jual /beli gamez ps3 seken page2 new update games

    aku buka tread ni nak cari gamez ps3 seken punya sape2 nak jual boleh la letak kat sini so boleh lah save buget skit nak beli yg baru kopak poket aku kalu beli skali 2/3 dah abis dekat seribu sape2 dah rase bosan games dia main boleh la letak kat sini mana la tau ader warge cg minat aku nak...
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