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minyak masak cp8

  1. T

    Wanted CP8 Jerrycan 5 kg dan 1 kg

    Pihak kami berminat membeli CP 8 dalam packaging berikut : 1. 5 kg Jerrycan Kuantiti 640mt tiap bulan.Kontrek 1 tahun 2. 1 kg plastic Kuantiti 200mt tiap hari. Kontrek 1 tahun. Hubungi saya timoer 019-3889143 atau email [email protected]
  2. tsf

    To Sell Cp8 1kg packing dan d2 industri

    Minyak Masak RBD Palm Olein CP8 1kg. 1. Subsidi RBD Palm Olein CP8 2. Poram Spec 3. Origin Malaysia 4. 1 year contract (Roll and Extentsion) 5. 1 kg Packet in cartoon ( per cartoons 17 packet ) 6. For LOCAL MARKET ONLY !!! 7. Price RM 2.38 per kg 8. COD with Deposit direct Payment to Refinery...
  3. S

    To Sell Minyak masak CPO,CP8 available at 3%

    CPO,CP8 available at 2% from MPOB price Please PM me with your buyer's demand at [email protected] for further info. **Sorry guys,seller no more giving 3% due to very low MPOB. Sorry for the inconvenience. From, Mugil.
  4. F

    To Sell Membekal Minyak masak CP 8 & CPO-direct access to top

    Salam, saya ingin memaklumkan bahawa pihak kami ada menjual CPO CP8 CP10. Kuantiti minima 2k MT sebulan(starting dan kuantiti akan naik peringkat demi peringkat) Sila email LOI anda ke [email protected] Harga terbaik kami berikan. Payment term : COD Han 013-3747762
  5. S

    Wanted CP8 buyer for Export

    Dear All, We have ready stock of CP8 oil for export (by bulk/packaging) Maximum supply : 10000MT/Month or 2500MT/week Contract : 1 year Contract FOB port klang Price : MPOB - 2% Specification : PORAM standard Please contact me, syazrin at 0172672720 or email me at [email protected]
  6. geniusasset

    To Sell CPO/CP8/CP10/Mazut100-75/Russian D2/ EURO 2M PETRONAS

    update : AUGUST 2015 Genius MVT Corporate Website !!! >>> <<< !!! Dear Sir / Madam, We are Ready, Willing and Able to supply the following product :- UNTUK DI JUAL / FOR SALE !!! >>> AVAILABLE <<< CPO FOR EXPORT Commodity: CRUDE PALM OIL (CPO)...
  7. geniusasset

    To Sell Cp8

    for more info click here
  8. M

    To Sell Looking For Buyer for CP8 (RBD Palm Olein)

    Good day everyone... We are currently looking for buyer for CP8 (RBD palm Olein). The details are as below: 1. Product : RBD PALM OLEIN (CP8) 2. Origin : Malaysia 3. Specification : Quality Of Product of CP0 Deliver shall meet PORAM STANDARD 4. Contract Duration ...
  9. budak kg606

    Wanted Cp8 local delivery

    Sapa2 yg boleh supply cp8:- 1) With delivery to Port Klang @ 4% Discount from MPOB Previous Daily Price ATAU 2) Without delivery @ 5% iscount from MPOB Previous Daily Price PM Kawan.. (Lesen apa bagai semua complete- Payment, TT at Sight) :D
  10. nazza

    Wanted Cpo dan d2

    sila call saya jika anda ada cpo harga dibawah paras usd1000 mt. Cp8 dan d2 pun boleh deal.
  11. nazza

    Wanted Bekalan minyak masak cp8, cp10

    bekalan untuk long term. Short term pun boleh yang penting jadi. Lagi besar guantity lagi bagus. Boleh pm atau call sebab saya jarang on9. Kalau tak nak dengar suara saya boleh sms sebut harga
  12. D

    Wanted Minyak masak Olein CP8

    Buyer aku memerlukan CP8 1juta kilo setahun dalam bentuk bungkusan plastic 1kg satu bag. Jika anda boleh bekal, sila hubungi James 019-350 2989 Note : SMS TAK LAYAN
  13. SharmCos

    Wanted Palm Oil CP8 or CP10

    Salam.. Sini ada supplier minyak sawit tak? Tengah cari CP8 in bulk, 60MT sehari hantar ke Ipoh. CP10 pun boleh la kalo harga cantik tapi prefer CP8 la..murah skit kot.. :D Tolong PM rega best atau emel ke [email protected] dgn detail sekali, contract length etc. Kita bisnes dalam M'sia je...
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