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Time now: Jun 1, 12:00 AM


  1. dloanman

    AXA eMedic Medical Card - As low as RM37 per month!

    THE AMAZINGLY AFFORDABLE MEDICAL CARD! As low as RM37 per month; Plus All-New Family Plan! What are the advantages of eMedic Family Plan? Instead of separate plans and payments for each family member, you now have just one family package and monthly payment. It’s easier to manage and even more...
  2. EIOmonitor

    Paying - Elite Hyip monitor for attractive RCB, offers bonuses

    Hello, All my Friends! How do you do? (EIO Monitor) Our wonderful services brings you 💼 Earn Bonus Rewards - Sign Up Bonus, Affiliate Bonus, Signature Rewards upto $10 Making Money with EIO Monitor is made simple and easy! Get upto $30 Monthly Bonus for...
  3. easicircle

    5 Good Financial Habits to Start Today

    Live Within Your Means Spending your money based on your income, don't spending over your income. It means being aware of the difference between what you need and what you want. The best way to avoid you from overspend to do list is essential includes all your monthly commitments such as car...
  4. AZ98

    Mencari Agen Insurans - Urgent!

    asaalam sy nk tanya agen2 sini yg bole buatkan insuran life plus medical card tanpa saving.utk 4 org .2 org from nigeria 2 lg from eropah klau ada pm sy atau ctc 0133391508
  5. F

    Mencari insuran peribadi

    salam saya sedang mencari insuran peribadi yang bole cover sakit cacat dan sebagainya kalau bole pm atau wasap saya 0182022177
  6. T


    Salam sejahtera, Saya nak mintak tolong agent2 insurans kurnia @ lain2 yg blh tlg sy utk coverage Cermin kereta saya. Maklumat: Cermin kereta sy dah retak sikit 2 bulan lepas, bila pergi ke tempat nak renew road tax (Kurnia insurans), agent kt sana bagitahu kena bw kereta untuk coverage...
  7. AMHFZ

    Wanted Mencari Runner JPJ Roadtax + insuran

    Seperti tajuk diatas. sy mencari runner jpj. xya gi puspakom. moto roadtax mati 2 tahun.. pm sy detail n caj.. Mencari di sekitar bangi/kajang/putrajaya. Moto : txr150 CC : 150cc tahun : 1997 roadtax mati 2 tahun.. kalau ada servis mcm ni, sila pm sy. :)cgrock
  8. M

    Part time / Freelancer Financial Product Agent

    Hi there: I am interest to work as part time / freelance financial product agent, promoting personal loan, mortgage loan, mortgage refinance, credit card refinance, insurance and etc. Please kindly pm me, if you have this type of job available. Thank you.
  9. selipar2010

    Renew Insurans + Roadtax kereta - Agen Offer me Pls

    Salam saya nk renew insurans + roadtax keta insurans ape yg paling bagus ye? agen welcome pm me tq:D
  10. alkbar

    (settle) Syarikat insurans mane boleh renew third party utk motorsikal

    salam warga cg,nak tnye syarikat insurans mane boleh renew third party utk motorsikal,minta tlg warga cg beri pandangan. hr jumaat dh settle problem........ kena rm70 jer third party.thanks all mmber cg
  11. E

    Kami menawarkan produk perkhidmatan..insuran..

    Apakah perancangan anda untuk jaminan diri & keluarga tersayang?? Adakah simpanan anda mencukupi jika sesuatu musibah menimpa ke atas anda untuk menampung kos rawatan, sara hidup & pendidikan anak?? Prudential BSN Takaful menawarkan pelan simpanan & perlindungan komprehensif yang belandaskan...
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