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Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners: Lesson 6

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What is a chart?​

A chart is a visual representative of data in both columns and rows. Charts are usually used to analyse trends and patterns in data sets. Let’s say you have been recording the sales figures in Excel for the past three years. Using charts, you can easily tell which year had the most sales and which year had the least. You can also draw charts to compare set targets against actual achievements.

We will use the following data for this tutorial.

Note: we will be using Excel 2013. If you have a lower version, then some of the more advanced features may not be available to you.

Desktop Computers20121312

Types of Charts in MS Excel​

Different scenarios require different types of charts. Towards this end, Excel provides a number of chart types that you can work with. The type of chart that you choose depends on the type of data that you want to visualize. To help simplify things for the users, Excel 2013 and above has an option that analyses your data and makes a recommendation of the chart type that you should use.

The following table shows some of the most commonly used Excel charts and when you should consider using them.

1Pie ChartWhen you want to quantify items and show them as percentages.
2Bar ChartWhen you want to compare values across a few categories. The values run horizontally
3Column chartWhen you want to compare values across a few categories. The values run vertically
4Line chartWhen you want to visualize trends over a period of time i.e. months, days, years, etc.
5Combo ChartWhen you want to highlight different types of information

Step by step example of creating charts in Excel​

In this tutorial, we are going to plot a simple column chart in Excel that will display the sold quantities against the sales year. Below are the steps to create chart in MS Excel:

  • Open Excel
  • Enter the data from the sample data table above
  • Your workbook should now look as follows


Charts are a powerful way of graphically visualizing your data. Excel has many types of charts that you can use depending on your needs.

Conditional formatting is also another power formatting feature of Excel that helps us easily see the data that meets a specified condition
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