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Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners: Lesson 4

What is Function in Excel?​

FUNCTION IN EXCEL is a predefined formula that is used for specific values in a particular order. Function is used for quick tasks like finding the sum, count, average, maximum value, and minimum values for a range of cells. For example, cell A3 below contains the SUM function which calculates the sum of the range A1:A2.

  • SUM for summation of a range of numbers
  • AVERAGE for calculating the average of a given range of numbers
  • COUNT for counting the number of items in a given range
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The importance of functions​

Functions increase user productivity when working with excel. Let’s say you would like to get the grand total for the above home supplies budget. To make it simpler, you can use a formula to get the grand total. Using a formula, you would have to reference the cells E4 through to E8 one by one. You would have to use the following formula.

= E4 + E5 + E6 + E7 + E8

With a function, you would write the above formula as

=SUM (E4:E8)

As you can see from the above function used to get the sum of a range of cells, it is much more efficient to use a function to get the sum than using the formula which will have to reference a lot of cells.

Common functions​

Let’s look at some of the most commonly used functions in ms excel formulas. We will start with statistical functions.

01SUMMath & TrigAdds all the values in a range of cells=SUM(E4:E8)
02MINStatisticalFinds the minimum value in a range of cells=MIN(E4:E8)
03MAXStatisticalFinds the maximum value in a range of cells=MAX(E4:E8)
04AVERAGEStatisticalCalculates the average value in a range of cells=AVERAGE(E4:E8)
05COUNTStatisticalCounts the number of cells in a range of cells=COUNT(E4:E8)
06LENTextReturns the number of characters in a string text=LEN(B7)
07SUMIFMath & TrigAdds all the values in a range of cells that meet a specified criteria.
08AVERAGEIFStatisticalCalculates the average value in a range of cells that meet the specified criteria.
09DAYSDate & TimeReturns the number of days between two dates=DAYS(D4,C4)
10NOWDate & TimeReturns the current system date and time=NOW()

Numeric Functions​

As the name suggests, these functions operate on numeric data. The following table shows some of the common numeric functions.

1ISNUMBERInformationReturns True if the supplied value is numeric and False if it is not numeric=ISNUMBER(A3)
2RANDMath & TrigGenerates a random number between 0 and 1=RAND()
3ROUNDMath & TrigRounds off a decimal value to the specified number of decimal points=ROUND(3.14455,2)
4MEDIANStatisticalReturns the number in the middle of the set of given numbers=MEDIAN(3,4,5,2,5)
5PIMath & TrigReturns the value of Math Function PI(π)=PI()
6POWERMath & TrigReturns the result of a number raised to a power.
POWER( number, power )
7MODMath & TrigReturns the Remainder when you divide two numbers=MOD(10,3)
8ROMANMath & TrigConverts a number to roman numerals=ROMAN(1984)

String functions​

These basic excel functions are used to manipulate text data. The following table shows some of the common string functions.

1LEFTTextReturns a number of specified characters from the start (left-hand side) of a string=LEFT(“GURU99”,4)Left 4 Characters of “GURU99”
2RIGHTTextReturns a number of specified characters from the end (right-hand side) of a string=RIGHT(“GURU99”,2)Right 2 Characters of “GURU99”
3MIDTextRetrieves a number of characters from the middle of a string from a specified start position and length.
=MID (text, start_num, num_chars)
=MID(“GURU99”,2,3)Retrieving Characters 2 to 5
4ISTEXTInformationReturns True if the supplied parameter is Text=ISTEXT(value)value – The value to check.
5FINDTextReturns the starting position of a text string within another text string. This function is case-sensitive.
=FIND(find_text, within_text, [start_num])
=FIND(“oo”,”Roofing”,1)Find oo in “Roofing”, Result is 2
6REPLACETextReplaces part of a string with another specified string.
=REPLACE (old_text, start_num, num_chars, new_text)

Date Time Functions​

These functions are used to manipulate date values. The following table shows some of the common date functions

1DATEDate & TimeReturns the number that represents the date in excel code=DATE(2015,2,4)
2DAYSDate & TimeFind the number of days between two dates=DAYS(D6,C6)
3MONTHDate & TimeReturns the month from a date value=MONTH(“4/2/2015”)
4MINUTEDate & TimeReturns the minutes from a time value=MINUTE(“12:31”)
5YEARDate & TimeReturns the year from a date value=YEAR(“04/02/2015”)

VLOOKUP function​

The VLOOKUP function is used to perform a vertical look up in the left most column and return a value in the same row from a column that you specify. Let’s explain this in a layman’s language. The home supplies budget has a serial number column that uniquely identifies each item in the budget. Suppose you have the item serial number, and you would like to know the item description, you can use the VLOOKUP function. Here is how the VLOOKUP function would work.


=VLOOKUP (C12, A4:B8, 2, FALSE)

  • "=VLOOKUP" calls the vertical lookup function
  • "C12" specifies the value to be looked up in the left most column
  • "A4:B8" specifies the table array with the data
  • "2" specifies the column number with the row value to be returned by the VLOOKUP function
  • "FALSE," tells the VLOOKUP function that we are looking for an exact match of the supplied look up value
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