BTC USD 98,462.5 Gold USD 2,917.60
Time now: Jun 1, 12:00 AM


  1. D

    Daily and Weekly News Update by LQDFX

    Dear readers, We are delighted to announce that we are going to be doing forum posts dedicated to financial news. You'll now be able to follow significant market indicators like CPI, PMI, and other related financial information, all in the familiar, interactive format of forum discussions. Our...
  2. dloanman

    Rumah Donald Trump diserbu - FBI pecah peti besi ambil dokumen sulit

    Trump Mengatakan FBI Menyerbu Mar-a-Lago dan Menceroboh Peti besinya Oleh Kakitangan Perisikan Foto: Brandon Bell/Getty Images Ejen FBI pada hari Isnin melaksanakan waran geledah di kediaman peribadi Donald Trump di pusat peranginan Mar-a-Lagonya di Palm Beach, Florida. Serbuan itu dilaporkan...
  3. jusephhubert

    USD holds steady as Fed official warns on asset purchases

    The US dollar rose against other currencies after a senior Federal Reserve official said that the bank should exit its emergency bond-buying program. In an interview with the Financial Times, Eric Rosengreen, CEO and president of Boston Fed, said that the ongoing bond purchases were ill-suited...
  4. Megat Al Fateh

    Info Kehidupan di Tanah Terjajah Palestin

    Anna is a Jewish American Columbia graduate, Fulbright scholar, and the granddaughter of Holocaust refugees. She is a frequent volunteer with the International Women/s Peace Service, where she documents human rights abuses in the West Bank and supports the nonviolent movement against the...
  5. Christina KC

    New Year Webhosting Offers!! For Shared Hosting and VPS!

    New Year Webhosting Offer!! Bring in the New Year with exciting offers on Shared Hosting and VPS. Use Coupon Code • SHOFF2020 for Shared Hosting • VPSOFF2020 for VPS Grab your servers this New Year! Hurry! Before it is too late! Visit
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