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  1. dloanman

    Malaysia Airline Promotions 11 May - 31 Oct 2022 ; Fly to Doha RM5389 only!

    Campaign Description A modern, sophisticated and luxurious city intertwined with tradition; Doha is a destination that you do not want to miss. Whether you're up for a desert adventure, looking for a relaxing vacation by the beach or ready to shop till you drop, we invite you to fly to Doha for...
  2. TT

    Arab Saudi, Bahrain, UAE, Mesir putus hubungan dengan Qatar

    Arab Saudi, Bahrain, UAE, Mesir putus hubungan dengan Qatar DUBAI: Empat negara Arab serentak memutuskan hubungan diplomatik dengan Qatar dan menuduh negara itu melindungi pengganas dan campur tangan dalam hal ehwal dalaman negara mereka. Agensi berita Bahrain melaporkan, negara sekutu Arab...
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