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world cup 2010

  1. dloanman

    2014 World Cup Brazil Guide PDF Download here ==> <== The Guide To The 2014 World Cup Contains All The Material Available For Anyone To Enjoy The Tournament In Brazil! The Guide Contains Information About The Teams, Players, Photos, Team...
  2. arin_gis

    To Sell [WTS] Jersi Replika World Cup

    SENARAI REPLIKA JERSI Harga : Player Issue / Copy Ori / adizero = RM50 Hubungi : SMS / Whatsapp = 0126200123 Email = [email protected] Pembayaran : Maybank : 162142954396 CIMB : 7043017932 Cara Penghantaran : COD = Bangi & Bangsar Pos = Semenanjung (RM5) | Sabah & Sarawak (RM7) READY...
  3. C

    Wanted Key Chain Cute World Cup Merchandise

    ada sesiapa tahu kat mana boleh saya beli key chain WC2010.seperti dalam thread ni. saya call tuan tanah tak jawab telefon sesiapa boleh tolong.:((
  4. msazmer

    To Sell Gempar!!Dapatkan T-Shirt Edisi World Cup!Memerangi Tindakan Kekejaman Zejim Zionis!

    Dapatkan T-Shirt World Cup Edisi Kempen Bencikan Israel Perhatian kepada semua kawan2 Cgrian sekalian... Sy ingin mempromosikan T-Shirt Edisi Khas sempena World Cup 2010 dan sempena Kempen Bencikan Israel...Sesiapa yang berminat boleh buat tempahan daripada sy..harga cuma RM25 (tambah RM5...
  5. hyde

    To Sell World Cup Jersey here!!!
  6. arin_gis

    To Sell [WTS] Jersi World Cup 2010 - RM35.00!!!

    Replika Jersi sempena World Cup 2010!! Ingat lagi saya? Saya kembali semula menjual replika jersi World Cup 2010 di South Africa. SENARAI JERSI: HARGA : 1st Grade - RM70.00 Super A - RM50.00 AAA - RM 40.00 (M dan XL) - Harga dah naik sewaktu World Cup. Patch : RM10 CARA...
  7. sarawak_lineup

    INT All Discussion of World Cup 2010 South Africa

    Tuan Rumah - Afrika Selatan Tarikh - 11 June and 11 July 2010 Bola RASMI Kejohanan 'JABULANI' by ADIDAS Venue Pertandingan Group World Cup 2010 Group A africa, mexico, uruguay, france Group B argentina, nigeria, korea republic, greece. Group C england, usa, algeria, slovenia...
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