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Time now: Jun 1, 12:00 AM

iphone 4

  1. fanlee

    To Sell Iphone 2nd iphone 6-iphone x harga kaw2 murah - last komen updated

    SALAM SEMUA CGRIAN khas buat carigold member iphone 2nd original ITEM : 2ND IMPORT CONDITION 9/10 100% WORKING NO APPLE ID (CLEAN ) WARRANTY : 60 HARI (2ND) / self colect :KUANTAN SHIPING :J&T RM8.00 TERM : PAYMENT FULL DAN ITEM AKAN DIHANTAR DALAM 3-4 HARI berkerja...
  2. Ardy

    Wanted Iphone 4/4s bajet RM400-RM500 shj. COD Ipoh

    Mencari iphone 4/4s bajet RM400-RM500 shj. COD Ipoh 019-4344269
  3. Ardy

    Wanted iPhone4 used, bajet Rm400-RM500 je, atau refurbished Lazada mana yg ok?

    Nak cari iPhone4 Used. bajet Rm400-RM500 je. atau beli refurbished lazada mana yg ok? refurbished ni display set atau yg rosak direpair seperti baru ke camne? link lazada : lokasi ipoh atau sekitarnya. COD
  4. Terror

    Wanted Iphone 4 or Iphone 4s

    nak cari iphone 4 atau iphone 4s.sapa ada nak jual
  5. nakar

    To Sell i phone 4

    Salam geng cgrian semua....niat hati nie br nk berjinak2 dgn i phone..nk tanya berapa kos untuk unlock yer.....sbb ada member nk tolak phone dia beli kt jepong....
  6. B

    Wanted Iphone 4 around 800-900

    mencari iphone 4 around 800-900, good condition... area sekitar selangor, kL :)
  7. K

    Wanted I-phone

    salam semua geng CGrian.. sesiapa yg ada iphone.. rosak or elok or boring dh pkai n nk jual.. mana2 model iphone.. 3g,3gs,4,4s... us set.. malaysia set.. mana2 aje.. iphone kne lock.. nk jual.. just say it.. kita ejas.. rosak xleh baiki.. rosak bleh baiki.. semua.. asalkan niat mmg nk jual...
  8. ahlil_nujum1

    Wanted Iphone 4

    salam kpd warga cg sekalian... kat sini teman nk mintak sedikit info/cadangan tentang pembelian iphone 4..kawan nk beli iphone 4 TETAPI kawan xnk beli melalui pakej telco(maxis,digi,celcom) agak2 kat mane yg ade jual iphone 4 selain telco...sbb kawan nk bayar pakai kad kredit..kalo boleh nk...
  9. boblynn02

    Wanted IPhone 4 - Ada sapa2 nak jual kat aku???

    .... Aku berminat nak beli IPhone 4. Dah survey2 harga kat tempat aku ni dan juga online. So, sebelum aku sambar, mana la tau warga CG ada bisnes henpon dan boleh la offer aku harga yg TERBAEKKK punya... Aku stay di Kuantan. Minggu ni aku akan ke Johor. kalau leh 'jailbreak' terus...lagi...
  10. A

    Wanted Cheap IPhone 4

    sesiapa tahu x, nak beli iphone 4 yg sekitar 1800-2200?? area KL, shah alam
  11. I

    To Sell Apple Iphone 4 BlackBerry Torch, Nokia N8, Samsung & Sony Ericsson

    We have in stock, the availability of the New / Latest phones ranging from All various models of BlackBerry handphones, Nokia N8 Smartphone 16GB, Sony Ericsson X10, Apple iPhones 4 phone, Samsung i900 They are all brand new with the complete accessories in original factory sealed box 100%...
  12. Pine

    Wanted I-Phone 4

    sape2 yg nak jual i-hone 4.. please pm sy. TQ nu-B :)cgrock
  13. D

    To Sell Brand New Apple Iphone 4 32GB & BlackBerry Torch 9800

    We have in stock, the availability of the New / Latest phones ranging from All various models. All Our Offered Devices are Brand new, Original, Guaranteed, our Mobile phones are all Unlocked and comes with 1 Year International Warranty and 90 Days sales return Policy for all Customers. We offer...
  14. J

    To Sell Apple iPhone 4G 32G at cheap price

    WE TRADE ALL KINDS OF MOBILEPHONES SUCH AS NOKIA,BLACKBERRY,APPLE iPHONE,HTC,SAMSUNG and many more....... Apple iPhone 4 is the fourth-generation of iphone and comes with a new slimmer design and front-facing camera capable of video calling. apple also updated the display with a high-resolution...
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