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Time now: Jun 1, 12:00 AM


  1. A

    Chaos + Modified Scalping technique

    this technique still under research, any comment is welcomed :) Notes* - THIS IS SCALPING ON 5MIN EUR/USD chart - Must follow the rules according to the order, rule no1,2 & 3 any comment is welcomed :-)
  2. Spanarjaya

    Profitunity (Chaos) Trading System by Bill Williams

    By spanarjaya at 2008-02-16 Siapa² ade knowledge jom discuss kat sini. Jom kongsi pendapat utk Teknik ni. Sifu²/Mmber Cg yg dah mencuba Chaos Theory ni jom share knowledge kat sini.. CHAOS THEORY THREAD!! Video yang aku jumpa kat jumpa. Enjoy. OMreur4xLP8 P/s: sori la, aku pon masih...
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