BTC USD 95,762.3 Gold USD 2,898.54
Time now: Jun 1, 12:00 AM


  1. soybean

    Wanted Headset Blackberry Torch 9860 dan casing

    Salaam. Headset dan juga casing :">
  2. R

    Wanted Blackberry Curve 8520 / 9300, Urgent (Blackberry)

    Item(s): Blackberry Curve 8520 / 9300 Price: Give me your best price :D (PREFER RM300-RM350) Dealing method: Postage Contact method/details: Contact me : 0177960596 / [email protected] Item(s) conditions: All funtions still working.
  3. Sendiri

    Wanted Blackberry Bold 2 9700

    Hai kengkawan :D:D Ada yang nak jual BB Bold 2 tak?? Kalau ada PM yer best price dgn package.. Tengah mencari ni :)cgrock
  4. muhdfaiz

    Wanted Blackberry repair services

    salam warga CG, kawan nk tanye kat mane kedai terbaik yg boleh repair blackberry? kawan ade 1 blackberry yg bila kol org xdgr kita tersekat sekat..any suggestion?da 2 kedai anta xleh buat..huhu :)cgrock
  5. firzmitchy

    Wanted Pembekal i-Phone dan Blackberry.

    salam..saya sedang mncari supplier untuk kedua2 jenis fon ni iphone dan blackberry sebab universiti tempat saya belajar tengah hot dua2 fon ni.. send me your pricelist yer.. email: [email protected]:)cgrock
  6. I

    To Sell Apple Iphone 4 BlackBerry Torch, Nokia N8, Samsung & Sony Ericsson

    We have in stock, the availability of the New / Latest phones ranging from All various models of BlackBerry handphones, Nokia N8 Smartphone 16GB, Sony Ericsson X10, Apple iPhones 4 phone, Samsung i900 They are all brand new with the complete accessories in original factory sealed box 100%...
  7. azrulazman

    Wanted Harg Blackberry

    harga blackberry palaing murah bape ea??
  8. D

    To Sell Brand New Apple Iphone 4 32GB & BlackBerry Torch 9800

    We have in stock, the availability of the New / Latest phones ranging from All various models. All Our Offered Devices are Brand new, Original, Guaranteed, our Mobile phones are all Unlocked and comes with 1 Year International Warranty and 90 Days sales return Policy for all Customers. We offer...
  9. J

    To Sell Apple iPhone 4G 32G at cheap price

    WE TRADE ALL KINDS OF MOBILEPHONES SUCH AS NOKIA,BLACKBERRY,APPLE iPHONE,HTC,SAMSUNG and many more....... Apple iPhone 4 is the fourth-generation of iphone and comes with a new slimmer design and front-facing camera capable of video calling. apple also updated the display with a high-resolution...
  10. M

    Wanted Blackberry 8520 - klu ade mau jual tu offer2 la

    contact no 0132330711 cod - kl offer me! tq :)
  11. S

    To Sell Online Store handphone seperti Nokia, Blackberry, Sony ericsson

    Lawatilah kami dsini menjual handphone seperti nokia,blackberry,sony ericsson dll... selain itu kami mjual camera digital,camera slr, laptop, desktop dll... sebarang pertanyaan bleh Pm sy ataupon live chat Enjoy :)
  12. Y

    Wanted Handphone Blackberry Storm 9500

    kalau ada sape nk jual pls call 0108855432
  13. S

    To Sell Blackberry Bold 9700 $300 USD (Totally Unlocked)

    Blackberry Bold 9700 (Fully Unlocked) GENERAL 2G Network GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 3G Network HSDPA 850 / 1900 / 2100 HSDPA 1700 / 2100 / 900 SIZE Dimensions 109 x 60 x 14 mm Weight 122 g DISPLAY Type TFT, 65K colors Size 480 x 360 pixels, 2.44 inches Full QWERTY keyboard Touch-sensitive...
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