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Update Berita Tragedi Pesawat MAS MH17 Ditembak Jatuh.


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Jul 18, 2011
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Malaysian PM statement on bilateral agreement regarding MH17 recovery.


SELASA, 19 OGOS 2014 - 10:59AM.

MH17: Proses urus jenazah masuk fasa akhir.

THE HAGUE: Persiapan menguruskan jenazah mangsa tragedi MH17 kini memasuki fasa akhir, kira-kira 60 jam lagi sebelum 22 jenazah itu dihantar pulang dari Amsterdam ke Kuala Lumpur, untuk disempurnakan sebelum diserah kepada waris keluarga.

Foto-Pasukan keselamatan ATM melakukan rehearsal bg persediaan menerima jenazah mangsa MH17 di KLIA .


BB mungkin awal bulan depan..


Security officials in Ukraine say the downed Malaysia Airlines jet in eastern Ukraine suffered an explosive loss of pressure after it was punctured by shrapnel from a missile.

They say the information came from the plane's flight data recorders, which are being analysed by British experts.

However, it remains unclear who fired a missile, with pro-Russia rebels and Ukraine blaming each other.

Many of the 298 people killed on board flight MH17 were from the Netherlands.

Dutch investigators leading the inquiry into the crash have refused to comment on the Ukrainian claims.

The Dutch team leading the investigation into flight MH17 won't be happy that a Ukrainian security official has apparently jumped the gun on the black box data results. I'm told there were Ukrainian investigators in the room at the UK's Air Accidents Investigation Branch in Farnborough last week when they checked that data, so it seems reasonable to assume this official knows something.

But still, the Dutch are hoping to publish their own more detailed and more rounded report later this week, pooling together everything they've learned so far.

In the end, experts will need more than the black boxes to work out what happened. They'll need to see the wreckage, the bodies and the American satellite data which the US says shows a missile was fired from rebel territory.

It's also worth remembering, even if all the black box data appears to tally with a missile strike, it won't tell us who fired it. Both sides in this conflict possess the same weapon.

22 Ogos diisytihar Hari Berkabung Negara, Malaysia terima 16 jenazah

PUTRAJAYA 14 Ogos - Kerajaan hari ini mengisytiharkan tarikh 22 Ogos ini sebagai Hari Berkabung Negara ekoran tragedi yang menimpa pesawat Malaysia Airlines (MAS) MH17 pada bulan lalu di wilayah Donestk, timur Ukraine.

Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, pada hari tersebut kerajaan turut menerima 15 daripada 24 jenazah warga Malaysia tragedi MH17 yang diterbangkan khas dari Amsterdam ke Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA).

Beliau berkata, penerbangan khas itu turut membawa pulang seorang warganegara Belanda yang mahu disemadikan di negara ini.

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10 daripada 16 jasad bukan Muslim

Oleh Fuad Hadinata Yaacob dan Siti A'isyah Sukaimi

Sepang: Sebanyak 10 daripada 16 jasad rakyat Malaysia terdiri daripada penumpang dan kru penerbangan MH17 yang sudah dikenalpasti disahkan bukan beragama Islam, kata Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Joseph Kurup.

Susulan itu, beliau berkata, kerajaan menghantar empat wakil bukan beragama Islam terdiri daripada Hindu, Buddha, Tao dan Sikh ke Amsterdam, Belanda malam ini bagi melaksanakan urusan mayat mengikut kepercayaan agama masing-masing.
"Justeru, penghantaran wakil bukan beragama Islam membolehkan mereka melakukan upacara doa dan urusan terhadap mayat berkenaan.

"Bagi mayat beragama Kristian, ia akan diuruskan oleh Majlis Gereja Belanda dengan kerjasama Persekutuan Kristian Malaysia," katanya pada sidang media sempena penghantaran wakil agama bukan Islam di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) di sini, sebentar tadi.

Empat wakil terbabit ialah Ven Sing Kan (Buddha); Datuk Mohan Shan (Hindu); Sardar Harcharan Singh (Sikh) dan Daozhang Tan Bon Sin (Tao).

Mereka diiringi dua pegawai Jabatan Perpaduan Negara dan Integrasi Nasional jam 11.30 malam ini.

Joseph berkata, kerajaan turut menghormati hasrat keluarga bagi jasad yang bukan beragama Islam sekiranya mereka mahu mengadakan upacara pembakaran mayat di Belanda atau sebaliknya.

Dalam pada itu, beliau berkata, Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dijangka mengumumkan tarikh penghantaran pulang 16 mayat rakyat Malaysia yang sudah dikenalpasti dalam sidang media esok.

JOSEPH Kurup bersalaman dengan wakil-wakil Agama Bukan Islam yang akan pergi ke Amsterdam, Belanda, untuk urusan jenazah. FOTO Fariz Iswadi Ismail.


Jika ikut kes yg lama2 memang akan dipasang semula satu persatu setiap serpihan mh17 tapi tak tahu laa kali ni mcm mana..clueless..belum ada berita mereka kumpul serpihan untuk tujuan itu..

Gambar Aerolinee Itavia Flight 870 yg dipasang semula satu persatu..



MH17 setakat hari ini masih diatas kertas lagi..


Antara barangan milik mangsa nahas MH17 ditemui lagi.


Pasukan penyiasat turut dibantu orang kampung.



Follow the money..



Setakat ni belum ada berita lagi pasukan penyelamat ambil serpihan pesawat untuk dipasang semula satu persatu..mungkin keadaan tidak berapa mengizinkan..yg ada berita mereka cuma kumpul barang2 peribadi milik mangsa dan bahan2 bukti yg lain..peta rasmi dari pihak Belanda..


Risikan tentera dapati MH17 ditembak dari darat ke udara - Hishammuddin.

BERA: Berdasarkan risikan ketenteraan serta serpihan pesawat MH17 yang ditemui di timur Ukraine mendapati ia ditembak roket dari darat ke udara, bukannya udara ke udara, kata Menteri Pertahanan, Datuk Seri Hishammiddin Hussein.

"Daripada sebahagian pesawat ditemui, tak mungkin air-to-air (udara ke udara) tapi surface-to-air (darat ke udara).

"Ia masih dalam siasatan (siapa penembaknya), maklumat dari kotak hitam dan serpihan akan dianalisis...(jadi) jangan buat sebarang spekulasi," katanya pada sidang media selepas merasmikan mesyuarat perwakilan pergerakan Wanita, Pemuda dan Puteri UMNO Bahagian Bera di sini, sebentar tadi.

Hishammuddin berkata, berdasarkan kepada maklumat itu, beliau tidak percaya bahawa pesawat milik Penerbangan Malaysia (MAS) itu ditembak jatuh oleh jet pejuang seperti disebarkan baru-baru ini.

Gambar hiasan.


Maybe next week menteri cakap..atau kita tunggu preliminary report siap nanti dlm masa sebulan lebih kurang..pentagon dah anta officer mereka ke ukraine..mungkin nak check rakaman atc yg ukriane sorok dari dunia..kalau kita bernasib baik akan keluar transkrip atc sekali nanti..we been hit..atc..we been hit..something like that kata pakar..#:-S

Anggota PDRM pun dah beransur ansur keluar dari sana.InsyaAllah nanti akan terdedah juga semua..stay tune..

Kump pertama pasukan petugas MH17 seramai 20 orang pegawai & anggota selamat tiba di Belanda.



21 lagi mangsa dikenal pasti.

The Hague: Pakar Forensik Belanda sudah mengenalpasti 21 lagi mangsa nahas Penerbangan Malaysia (MAS) MH17 selepas pegawai penyiasat terpaksa menghentikan pencarian berikutan pertempuran antara kerajaan Ukraine dan pemberontak pro-Russia di timur Ukraine.

Hanya dua mayat sudah dikenalpasti identiti setakat ini manakala 21 mayat baru terdiri daripada 16 warga Belanda, seorang warga British mempunyai dua kerakyatan, Malaysia (2), Jerman (1), Kanada (1) dan British (1).

Lebih 220 keranda sudah diterbangkan ke Belanda bagi proses mengenalpasti identiti mayat mangsa.

Perdana Menteri Belanda Mark Rutte berkata, gerakan mencari saki baki mangsa nahas pesawat itu terpaksa dihentikan buat sementara waktu disebabkan situasi kian meruncing dan berbahaya. - AFP.

MH17: Status of Ukrainian tapes still in question.

Belansungkawa MH17: Identiti mangsa pertama dari Malaysia dikenalpasti
August 8, 2014

Tiga minggu selepas pesawat MH17 ditembak jatuh, identiti seorang rakyat Malaysia berjaya dikenalpasti, menurut sumber.

Elaine Teoh, 27, yang berasal dari Pulau Pinang, dipercayai rakyat Malaysia pertama yang berjaya dikenalpasti oleh pakar forensik di Belanda. Alumni Universiti Melbourne berkata identiti mangsa berjaya dikenalpasti dalam tempoh dua dan empat hari lalu.

Pihak polis telah menghantar wakil untuk memaklumkan kepada keluarga Teoh untuk pengesahan. Difahamkan teman lelaki mangsa Emiel Mahler, 27, yang bersama-sama dengan Teoh dalam pesawat berkenan masih belum dapat dikenalpasti sehingga kini.

Teoh dan Mahler sedang bekerja dalam sektor kewangan di Melbourne dalam perjalanan ke Malaysia selepas menikmati percutian mereka di Portugal dan Belanda.

Sebelum ini pernah dilaporkan, teman baik Teoh, Tan Sook Then sepatutnya menjemput pasangan ini di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) pada 18 Julai, lapor Bernama.

Sumber VAT 69.


Dutch Prime Minister halts search for MH17 bodies due to security concerns.


Pakar siasatan mengutip barangan milik mangsa dan beberapa serpihan pesawat MH17 untuk dijadikan bukti.



Lebih seratus pakar dilokasi nahas MH17 melakukan siasatan.




Risalah diedar oleh pasukan PDRM ke kampung2 berdekatan bagi menyeru supaya mereka memulangkan brg2 milik mangsa MH17.


Ketua Polis Negara bersama pasukan PDRM dan penyiasat antarabangsa bersedia memulakan tugas dilokasi.


Pakar forensik di lokasi nahas pesawat MH17, berhampiran kampung Rozsypne di wilayah Donetsk, Ukraine, hari ini.




OSCE staff at work with multi-national team of experts today at MH17 crash site.


Pasukan penyiasat diwajibkan memakai baju kalis peluru dan vest khas MH17 semasa berada dilokasi serpihan pesawat.


PHOTO 1 Kumpulan kedua bergerak ke lokasi MH17 di Grabovo,Ukraine.


The group, known as the “Dozen Person” consist of team leader and Head of the National Security Council (Majlis Keselamatan Negara - MKN)

Assistant Secretary, Lt Kol Mohd Sakri Hussin,
Army Odontology Specialist, Brig Jen Datuk Dr Ilham Harun,
Pathology Specialist, Dr Mohd Shah Mahmod,
Lumut Military Hospital’s Trauma and Emergency Specialist, Mej Dr Hafizi Abdullah,
Army Medical Officer cum Translator, Kapt Dr Mohd Zainizam Zainal,
Special Malaysian Assistance and Rescue Team (SMART)/ Royal Malaysian police (RMP) officer, Insp Abd Rahim Abd Aziz
Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) Special Air Unit (Pasukan Khas Udara - PASKAU) commandos Mej Muhammad Mustaffa Omar TUDM; Sjn (U) Shahrizal Abu Bakar, Kpl (U) Rosli Mustaffa, LUK Mohd Afendy Ahmad Zaini
Military chaplain from the Armed Forces Religious Corp (Kor Agama Angkatan Tentera - KAGAT), Mej Nadzri Musman.

A comunication specialist from Sapura Secured Technologies, En Rosli Shaari who is also the company’s General Manager for Customer Management was also part of the team. He was also responsible for the Government Integrated Radio Network (GIRN)

Operasi Rahsia Pasukan Khas Malaysia Membawa Keluar Blackbox MH17- THE DOZEN

Kesemua mereka hanyalah 12 orang dan tugas mereka kedengaran mudah. Mereka hanya perlu bawa keluar BLACKBOX MH17 keluar dari Ukraine.

Seorang koresponden Panggilan Pertiwi yang bertugas di ‘Bilik Operasi’ mereka memberi tahu aku. PP terserempak 12 anggota pasukan ini yang lengkap bersenjata memasuki KLIA melalui pintu berbeza dari tim penyelamat. Operasi apakah yang akan di laksanakan?

Pasukan Khas Malaysia sangat berpengalaman dalam situasi perang sebenar dan walaupun operasi mereka diselubungi kerahsiaan.. kita semua pernah mendengar desas desus exploit mereka di OP Daulat, dan banyak lokasi panas di seluruh dunia.

Kini pasca OP Daulat, one of the most secretive black-ops in Malaysia suddenly found its mission in the public spotlight. Operasi menyelamatkan Blackbox MH17.

Operasi ni bukan bermula out of the blue.. ia melibatkan pelbagai risikan dan contact dengan sumber2 di dalam wilayah pemisah.. tapi aku tak perlulah tulis tu di sini.

Pasukan ini terdiri dari 11 anggota pasukan khas dan seorang pakar komunikasi GIRN. Mereka travel selama 9 jam dari sempadan Donetsk ke Karkiv dalam malam yang pekat di dalam hutan dan memanjat gunung merentasi medan pertempuran Antara tentera Ukraine dan Puak Pemisah Pro Russia.

Sebaik sahaja Blackbox di serahkan .. pasukan ini mula merangka langkah bagi mengelirukan pihak2 yang ingin merampas blackbox tersebut. Mereka menyimpan blackbox didalam beg galas dan tiada siapa tahu di beg yang mana satu black box tersebut tersimpan.

.. dan kebetulan sebaik sahaja penyerahan di buat Donetsk di serang oleh tentera ukraine. Pertempuran yang sangat sengit berlaku dengan tembakkan roket berganda dan menuver kereta kebal t-72 dan BMP bertali arus.

Bermula mimpi ngeri pasukan ini.

Dipendekkan cerita (haha tak boleh cerita oi) Blackbox Berjaya dibawa keluar dan tiada sebarang bayaran dan pampasan di beri kepada pemisah pro Russia.. dan mereka tak minta pun.

Terkini lokasi nahas dah jadi medan pertempuran di mana kedua2 pihak berbalas2 tembakan artileri. Pasukan penyiasat Malaysia gagal memasuki tapak nahas.


PS aku akan sambung selepas dapat maklumat lebih lanjut

Sumber rujuk watermark digambar.


Evidence Is Now Conclusive: 2 Ukrainian Government Fighter-Jets Did Shoot Down that Malaysian Airliner. No ‘Buk’ Missile Ground-Shot.

Posted on August 4, 2014 by Eric Zuesse.
[Preface by Washington's Blog. We are still agnostic regarding Mr. Zuesse's argument.]

Eric Zuesse

We’ll go considerably farther than has yet been revealed by the professional intelligence community, to provide the actual evidence that conclusively shows that (and how) the Ukrainian Government shot down the Malaysian airliner, MH-17, on July 17th.

The latest report from the intelligence community was headlined on August 3rd by Robert Parry,*“Flight 17 Shoot-Down Scenario Shifts,”and he revealed there that, “Contrary to the Obama administration’s public claims blaming*eastern Ukrainian rebels and Russia for the shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, some U.S. intelligence analysts*have concluded that the rebels and Russia were likely not at*fault and that it appears Ukrainian government forces were to*blame, according to a source briefed on these findings.

This judgment — at odds with what President Barack Obama*and Secretary of State John Kerry have expressed publicly — is*based largely on the absence of U.S. government evidence*that Russia supplied the rebels with a Buk anti-aircraft missile*system that would be needed to hit a civilian jetliner flying at*33,000 feet, said the source, who spoke on condition of*anonymity.”

Bacaan lanjut di


Data awal kotak hitam

Kiev (Ukraine): Data daripada kotak hitam milik pesawat Penerbangan Malaysia (MAS) MH17 yang ditembak jatuh di timur Ukraine terdapat maklumat letupan berpunca daripada serangan roket yang mengakibatkan nahas pesawat penumpang itu, kata pegawai keselamatan Ukraine, semalam.

Jurucakap Majlis Keselamatan Ukraine, Andriy Lysenko berkata, penyiasat antarabangsa mendapati data perakam penerbangan menunjukkan punca bagi kemusnahan pesawat itu akibat daripada penyahmampatan letupan roket yang besar.

Data dari kotak hitam pesawat itu dianalisa di Britain selepas ia diserahkan kepada pegawai Malaysia oleh pemberontak pro-Russia yang mengawal lokasi nahas MH17.

Kumpulan penyiasat yang mengetuai siasatan di Belanda enggan untuk mengesahkan maklumat terbaru dari Kiev, dengan menyatakan bahawa mereka ‘sedang menunggu gambaran lebih lengkap tentang apa yang telah berlaku’.

Kiev dan sekutu baratnya mendakwa kumpulan pemberontak yang menembak jatuh pesawat itu, yang mengorbankan kesemua 298 penumpang dan anak kapal. – AFP


Statement by PM Najib Razak during joint press briefing in the Netherlands with PM Mark Rutte.


Statement G7 on Ukraine also refers to tragedy MH17 .


Gelongsor kecemasan milik MH17 ditemui dilokasi nahas di Ukraine .


MH17: Search for remaining bodies continues with the use of drones and sniffer dogs.

A team of forensic police specialists from Holland and Australia will use drones, sniffer dogs, divers and satellite mapping to search for missing body parts at the site of the MH17 air crash, The Telegraph has learned.

Speaking publicly about his task for the first time, Colonel Cornelis Kuijs, the operational commander of the search and recovery mission, said that about 80 experts from the team will attempt to travel to the crash site in eastern Ukraine on Friday.

The unarmed officers will take refrigerated trucks in order to remove any human remains they find as they comb the area, which is now a “battle zone”.
Col Kuijs, an officer of the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee, a gendarmerie, will lead the perilous mission with escorting vehicles from the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

“The purpose of this operation is to find and recover human remains which are scattered over this huge area in order that the relatives of the deceased will get their beloveds home,” he told a small group of reporters in Donetsk, the rebel-held regional capital, on Thursday night.


Forensics team identifies second MH17 victim.

KUALA LUMPUR: A second body from the MH17 crash has been identified by the forensics team, reported a Dutch newspaper which quoted the Ministry of Justice and Security.

The web portal Algemeen Dagblad reported that the body was identified as a Dutch national.

"The family members and the mayor of the town the victim lived in have been informed," the paper reported.

Just like the first victim who was identified on July 26 who was also a Dutch, the identity or the gender of the second victim will not be revealed.

The identification process of all 227 bodies,which was moved from the crash site in eastern Ukraine to the Netherlands, is being carried out in Hilversum military barracks. It involves around 200 international experts including those from Malaysia.

The Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Flight MH17's Boeing-777 crashed on July 17 and is believed to have been shot down.

It carried 298 passengers and crew which includes 42 Malaysian nationals and 196 Dutch passengers on board.

Meanwhile,forensics experts from the Netherlands and Australia have entered the crash site to collect evidence and remains of victims which have not been collected yet.

The Dutch portal reported that Donetsk rebels have handed over 25 "DNA samples" and 27 passenger items to the Dutch experts.

Donetsk is being occupied by militants who want to separate from Ukraine. The militants and the Russians have been accused by Ukraine and the United States for being the mastermind of the MH17 shooting. They have, however, denied these allegations.

Malaysia and the Netherlands on Thursday had asked Ukraine and the militants to ceasefire to give way to the investigations team to carry out their duties safely and comfortably at the crash location.


Pakar penyiasat dari Australia menggunakan UAV untuk menyiasat seluruh lokasi terlibat.


Adakah ini yang berlaku?


Anjing penjejak terus digunakan lagi hari ini bagi mencari bahan bukti di lokasi nahas MH17.



Mayat reput tidak berdarah tu rasanya bukan pakar perubatan yg cakap tapi general tentera pro russia yg kata..ada lebih kurang 60 ++ mayat mangsa yg masih sempurna ditemui..yg lain tu memang ada yg dah tak sempurna lapor media..

Berkenaan dgn sama ada mh17 atau mh370 tu..kan ada video last moment salah seorang penumpang dari malaysia share sebelum mh17 berlepas?setakat ari ni belum ada pihak yg bagi bukti kukuh plane yg ditembak jatuh adalah mh370..yg ada hanya gambar boeing 777 mh370 dari jauh..berbanding gambar close up bukti serpihan pesawat yg ditembak jatuh adalah mh17..

Video last moment dari malaysia tak ada dlm simpanan..yg ada video ni je..

Family's one last photo on board MH17.

The Video Report Deleted by the BBC - ENG SUBS.

Eyewitness: "And there was another aircraft, a military one, beside it. Everybody saw it."

Do you know why NATO Rasmussen is not taking part in MH17 investigation? Doesn’t want to share information!!??


Repost from Passenger Mohdalibin MdSalim (Passenger 135 on Manifest) or otherwise known as Halu Satonaka (@masa1777 on instagram).

Q: How does this footage exist if everything in the crash was destroyed?
A:The passenger Mohdalibin MdSalim (masa1777 on instagram) uploaded this video to his instagram before departing.

Q: This is fake! Where is the evidence that this is MH17?
A:Mohdalibin MdSalim is a passenger of MH17 you can look him up as Passenger 135 on the MH17 Passenger Manifest. He uploaded this to his Instagram account: masa1777.


The last glimpse of the downed Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was captured by Malaysian passenger Md Ali Md Salim moments before departure.

The 14-second video, which was uploaded on his Instagram account, showed other passengers stowing their luggage in the overhead compartment.

In the caption of the Instagram video, the 30-year-old seemed to have expressed his jitters flying home.

"Bismillah... #hatiadasikitgentar (In the name of God... feeling a little bit nervous)", read the caption.

An announcement, believed to be the voice of the pilot, could be heard in the background. "At the moment, we are on the final stages of boarding and cargo loading. Once again, please ensure all your phones are off for the flight to..." said the pilot, before the video ended.

Md Ali, a psychology PhD student at Erasmus University Rotterdam, was reported to be heading home to celebrate the upcoming Hari Raya in Muar, Johor.

Flight MH17 disappeared from radar screens in eastern Ukraine at around 1415 GMT, hours after the Boeing 777, bound for Kuala Lumpur, had taken off from Amsterdam's Schiphol airport.

It is believed to have been accidentally shot down 50km from the Ukraine-Russia border.

Malaysia Airlines, in a statement, confirmed that there were a total of 298 passengers and 15 crew members on board.

Among them were 43 Malaysians including the crew members and two infants.

BUK-M1 dont have contact fuse (naval BUK-M1-2 have it) but only proximity fuse (9E241M1) with initiate range 17m or lesser with angle 120 degree or more.

1 - semi-active radar homing.
2 - proximity fuse.
3- warhead.







Identiti mayat pertama mangsa nahas dikenalpasti

THE HAGUE: Pakar forensik telah mengenal pasti mangsa pertama daripada 298 penumpang yang terbunuh dalam nahas pesawat MH17 yang ditembak jatuh di Ukraine minggu lalu, menurut kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh kerajaan Belanda pada Sabtu.

"Hari ini mayat pertama mangsa nahas pesawat MH17 telah dikenalpasti," kata menteri kehakiman dalam satu kenyataannya.

"Mangsa merupakan rakyat Belanda dan keluarga mangsa telah dihubungi."

Namun demikian, kementerian tidak mendedahkan identiti mangsa.

Kerajaan Belanda telah dipertanggungjawabkan untuk melaksanakan proses mengenalpasti identiti mangsa dalam nahas yang melibatkan 193 warga Belanda.

"Pasukan yang terdiri daripada 200 pakar kini sedang dalam proses mengenalpasti mangsa yang berkemungkinan besar mengambil masa sehingga beberapa bulan."

Terdapat beberapa mayat yang masih berada di lokasi nahas, namun setakat ini sebanyak 227 keranda mangsa yang terdiri daripada 17 negara telah diterbangkan ke Belanda.

Wakil kerajaan Belanda dan Australia sedang berusaha mendapatkan mandat untuk mengawal lokasi nahas bagi membawa keluar kesemua mayat di lokasi yang sedang bergolak di antara puak pemisah pro-Rusia dan tentera Ukraine.

Read more at:

Agong, Permaisuri ziarah waris mangsa MH17.

PUTRAJAYA: Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah dan Raja Permaisuri Agong Tuanku Hajah Haminah hari ini mencemar duli menziarahi keluarga mangsa pesawat Malaysia Airlines (MAS) MH17 di Hotel Marriot di sini.

Suasana pilu menyelubungi suasana sepanjang 45 minit baginda berdua meluangkan masa bertemu dengan waris mangsa untuk bertanya khabar serta menyampaikan ucapan takziah.

Pertemuan itu melibatkan 100 orang daripada 30 keluarga penumpang dan juga kru pesawat tersebut.

Terdahulu Seri Paduka Baginda berdua mendengar taklimat mengenai nahas Penerbangan MH17 itu yang disampaikan oleh Pengarah Perkhidmatan Pelanggan MAS Datuk Mohd Salleh Tabrani.

Sementara itu jurucakap MAS memberitahu kebanyakan keluarga terbabit akan pulang ke rumah masing-masing sempena Aidilfitri manakala yang lain dijangka terus menetap di hotel tersebut bagi menunggu perkembangan terkini.

Turut hadir Menteri Komunikasi dan Multimedia Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek, Menteri Pengangkutan Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai serta Menteri Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat Datuk Seri Rohani Abdul Karim.

Penerbangan MH17 yang dikendalikan oleh pesawat Boeing 777-200 bersama 298 penumpang dan anak kapal terhempas, dipercayai akibat ditembak, di Donetsk, timur Ukraine, Khamis lepas.

Pesawat itu dalam penerbangan dari Amsterdam ke Kuala Lumpur.


Proof of NATO false flag attack on MH17?

Just one month before the Malaysian airliner was shot down, NATO ran a live exercise using fighter jets to jam the transponders of commercial airliners and spoof them as military jets by broadcasting a military transponder signal at close range.

NATO forces seem to have made the doomed Malaysian 777 appear to be a hostile military jet and forced the separatists to open fire.

The video evidence of military chaff falling at the crash site reinforces the argument that military fighters were very close to MH17 when it was shot down.

Final MH17 Flight Safely Touched Down.

SEPANG: The final Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight bearing the call number MH17 touched down safely at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) at 6.31am on Friday.

MAS announced earlier in the week that the call number for the daily route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur would be retired effective July 25, following the untimely death of all 298 people on board the MH17 flight that was shot down in Ukraine on July 17.

The new call number for the route is MH19, which will operate at the same frequency as before.

Malaysian passenger Nurulhuda Abdul Hadi said she was a little worried when she boarded her flight in Amsterdam on Thursday but reassured herself with a silent prayer before take off.

“It (the flight) was very calm. Before I boarded the plane, I said a bit of prayer and it was good,” said the 26 year-old, who added that her flight was packed.*

“I was quite surprised actually. I thought people would be cancelling the flight,” she said

Despite the double disasters of MH370 and MH17, Nurulhuda said she would “most definitely” be flying MAS again.

“It’s one of the best airlines and I’m not saying that because I’m from Malaysia but because it is the most comfortable (airline),” she observed, urging others to “just have faith”.*

An official statement from MAS said the change in call number was to honour the crew and passengers of the ill-fated flight.

MH17, carrying 283 passengers and 15 crew members, is believed to have been brought down by a surface-to-air missile some two hours after departing Schiphol airport in Amsterdam.


MAS crew couldn't hold back their tears during multi-faith prayers held for MH17 passengers & crew.


An animated video of how the Buk system works and its warhead detonates from its target, and how shrapnel-like holes may have created during the attack.

Serpihan2 dipadankan dgn lokasi sebenar pesawat.




Take note gambar2 ni hasil photoshop..analisis awal dari lubang2 missile buk dipercayai meletup berhampiran bahagian bawah muncung MH17..

BBC temuramah borodai..boleh tahan sedap suara borodai ni rupanya..:)

Alexander Boroday, self claim Prime Minister of Donetsk people's republic gave interview to the BBC, here is video. It looks like part of bigger interview. Alexander Boroday talking about bodies of passengers from Boeing 777 (MH17).

Because international experts don't come to area during 3 days after crash and bodies began to decompose under the influence of hot air, it was decided by guidance of Donetsk republic, to start collecting bodies.
Besides Alexander Boroday says about how the weapon appears in the republic.

Misi ambil kotak hitam pesawat MH17 berisiko tinggi - Pegawai.

SEPANG: Ibarat telur di hujung tanduk! Itu pengalaman yang dirasai seorang daripada 12 anggota dalam pasukan elit yang terlibat membawa kotak hitam dan mayat mangsa MH17 dari Donetsk ke Kharkiv, Rabu lepas.

Rosli Shaari, 5,0 yang juga Pengurus Besar Sapura Secured Technologies, berkata perjalanan selama sembilan jam dari sempadan Donetsk ke Karkhiv itu adalah perjalanan penting dan berisiko tinggi kerana mereka terpaksa melalui perjalanan dalam wilayah yang sedang bergolak.

"Perjalanan paling getir, bayangkan barang berharga iaitu kotak hitam MH17 ada bersama kami, ia bukti penting mengapa MH17 terhempas dan ia menjadi tanggungjawab kami," katanya ketika ditemui di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) di sini, sebaik pasukan penyiasat khas MH17 ke Ukraine selamat tiba di tanah air pagi ini.

Katanya, puak pemisah hanya mengiringi pasukan mereka sehingga sempadan Donetsk dan selepas itu nasib dan nyawa mereka terletak pada kuasa kerajaan Ukraine.

"Ia wilayah bergolak, jam 3 pagi (waktu Ukraine), apa sahaja boleh berlaku, perjalanan melalui gunung-ganang, hutan dan cuaca amat gelap, saya hanya berserah dan hanya terbayang wajah anak dan isteri," katanya yang pernah terlibat dengan operasi bantuan taufan Haiyan Filipina.

Bagaimanapun, beliau dan anggota pasukan yang diketuai Leftenan Kolonel Mohd Sakri Hussain lega apabila kotak hitam tersebut selamat dibawa dan kini berada dalam tangan pihak sepatutnya untuk disiasat.

Rosli, satu-satunya orang awam yang terlibat dalam misi khas membawa kotak hitam itu, ditugaskan sebagai pegawai komunikasi operasi khas berkenaan.

Antara tugas beliau ialah memastikan komunikasi antara pasukan khas penyiasat MH17 ke Ukraine berjalan lancar tanpa sebarang masalah.

"Sistem yang saya bawa dan digunakan ialah GIRN (Rangkaian Radio Bersepadu Kerajaan) yang juga diguna pakai oleh 16 agensi kerajaan di Malaysia dan digunakan di bilik operasi di Ukraine," katanya.

Mengulas layanan pihak pemisah semasa perbincangan penyerahan kotak hitam, Rosli berkata mereka memberi kerjasama yang amat baik.

"Walaupun bahasa menjadi penghalang namun dengan bantuan seorang jurubahasa dari puak pemisah yang menterjemah bahasa Russia ke bahasa Inggeris ia berjalan lancar," katanya.

Sebanyak 65 daripada 116 anggota pasukan khas penyiasat tragedi MH17 ke Ukraine telah selamat tiba dari Amsterdam ke KLIA pada 10.52 pagi tadi.

Pasukan itu berlepas ke sana 18 Julai setelah pesawat Malaysia Airlines (MAS) penerbangan MH17 dari Amsterdam ke Kuala Lumpur yang dipercayai ditembak jatuh terhempas di wilayah Donetsk 17 Julai.

Penerbangan itu membawa 298 penumpang termasuk 43 warga Malaysia.


Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17: Cockpit voice recorder 'in good condition' -- Black box damaged, but memory intact, Dutch Safety Board reports.


Data From First of Two MH17 Black Boxes Successfully Downloaded.
Work on Other Device Scheduled for Thursday, Dutch Air Safety Board Says.

LONDON—The first of two black boxes from Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was successfully downloaded Wednesday with work on the other device due to take place Thursday, the Dutch Air Safety Board said.

The two devices that store data from the aircraft and record conversations in the cockpit arrived Wednesday in the U.K. for analysis by the British Air Accidents Investigation Branch at Farnborough, England.

Gambar sekadar hiasan.


KIEV(AP) - Perdana Menteri Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk telah mengumumkan peletakan jawatannya berikutan kemelut yang melanda kerajaan yang berlaku baru-baru ini.

Yatsenyuk membuat pengumuman itu di parlimen selepas kedua-dua pihak (Parti Nasionalis dan Pergerakan UDAR) berkata, mereka akan menarik diri daripada parti pemerintah. "Saya mengumumkan peletakan jawatan saya berikutan dengan pemecahan gabungan ini," kata Yatsenyuk.

Beliau berkata Parlimen tidak lagi boleh melakukan kerja dan meluluskan undang-undang.

Parti nasionalis Svoboda dan pergerakan UDAR yang diketuai oleh bekas peninju Vladimir Klitscho menarik diri daripada kumpulan penggubal undang-undang selepas mengambil alih jawatan bekas Presiden Viktor Yanukovich yang telah disingkirkan - AP

Persoalannya sekarang, adakah kes MH17 akan tergantung sementara menunggu pemilihan presiden baru? - ***************

tertiba letak jawatann? hmmm

Air India Pilot Exposed Ukraine ATC

Source :


1)Pesawat Air India berada 25km dibelakang bersamaan 90 saat daripada pesawat MH17. Ukraine ATC memberi arahan supaya MH17 membuat "a direct routing" (laluan terus instead of laluan seperti zigzag (curve) ). Pada masa ini MH17 telah ditembak.

2) Ukraine ATC menyuruh Air India untuk contact MH17 sebagai pengesahan. Tapi tiada response.

3) Semua media telah membuat semakan di flightradar24 dan mendapati Air India berada sama kawasan dengan MH17.

4) Tapi kepada ke-esokan harinya "civil aviation ministry of Ukraine" mengeluarkan kenyataan tiada pesawat Air India di lokasi dan waktu kejadian MH17.

Trajectory analysis (map included) seems to show the front end of the plane (cockpit + business) was indeed detached at missile impact and falled down on ~ original trajectory, while the bigger middle/rear part (eco + wings + tails) veered left.


Article from French magazine Paris Match.

MH17 victims being transported, person by person, from the airport to a forensic institute. Amazing display of respect.

[FULLHD] TRIBUTE MH17 Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-2H6(ER) 9M-MRD AMS-KUL JULY 17 2014


Minister of Transport, Malaysia
In Eindhoven, Netherlands
Wednesday 23 July 2014

On this day of national mourning in the Netherlands, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and I would like to express on behalf of YAB Prime Minister Najib and the Malaysian Government, along with the people of Malaysia, our deepest condolences to the Dutch people and all of the families who have been affected by this terrible tragedy and are suffering in this aftermath.

We join the international community in its determination to discover the truth not only out of respect for those who lost their lives and their grieving families and loved ones but because we must do everything we can to prevent an atrocity like this from happening again and to bring those responsible to justice.

We thank Prime Minister Mark Rutte and the Dutch government for their support and collaboration during this difficult time. We are working closely together to respectfully repatriate the victims’ bodies.

Our goal now is to unite those who have perished with their families and loved ones as fast as possible while allowing investigators to continue their work at the crash site.

While the process of identification can at last begin for those who have today been brought to The Netherlands, we must not forget those who remain unaccounted for.

We urge the search to continue for those who are still missing and pledge to exhaust all efforts to recover all human remains. The Malaysian Government and Malaysia Airlines will continue to dedicate all available resources towards that effort.

In the meantime our priority is to support those who share a common grief while working closely with all Governments, international organisations and responsible parties to help guarantee a full and thorough investigation is undertaken.



MH17 'black boxes' tell of moments leading up to the crash, but won't show why it went down.


How Malaysia Brokered the Deal With Rebels for Crash Site Access?

KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - As Western leaders increasingly pointed the finger of blame at pro-Russian separatists, and Moscow itself, over the shooting down of a Malaysia Airlines plane in eastern Ukraine, the government in Kuala Lumpur said little.

The reasons for that reticence - which had drawn criticism at home - became clear on Tuesday, when Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak announced shortly after midnight that his government had negotiated the release of the remains of nearly 300 victims of Flight MH17 from separatist-held territory.

Najib, working through intermediaries to reach rebel leader Alexander Borodai, was a key figure in brokering the deal, according to two sources in Malaysia with direct knowledge of the negotiations.

The talks were kept under tight wraps, with Najib initiating the conversation and bringing only a handful of his closest confidants into the discussions.

"It was the Prime Minister’s project," one of the sources said.

"He was the main player and he kept this within a very, very, very tight circle. Even some of his closest advisers were not part of this circle, and were surprised by this deal."

The agreement was that Malaysia would receive the aircraft's "black box" voice and flight data recorders, which were in rebel hands after being recovered from the crash site near the Russian border.

The bodies would be moved from separatist-controlled territory so that international investigators could safely conduct DNA tests and later return the remains to families.

Intermediaries, whom the sources declined to identify, facilitated at least one telephone discussion between Najib and Borodai, via a translator, the sources said.

Malaysia wanted three things from the separatists: return the bodies, hand over the black boxes and assure safe access for investigators to the crash site.

Borodai’s people wanted a signed document acknowledging that the black boxes were not tampered with, the second source said.

They also insisted on handing over the black boxes to the Malaysians because they did not want the devices in the hands of the Ukrainian government. The voice and data recorders will be crucial for investigators to piece together exactly what brought down the plane as it flew over eastern Ukraine on Thursday en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.

As negotiations advanced, Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai, who had been appointed to the job only a few weeks earlier, and other representatives of the airline and government flew to Kiev over the weekend.

A broad agreement took shape on Monday, and Najib broke his silence, telling a small group of officials that a deal had been struck, the first source said.

A press conference he had scheduled for 5:30 p.m. was abruptly canceled. At 10 p.m., Najib assembled his advisers and press officials at his residence for a briefing.

The public announcement came just after midnight. By morning in Malaysia on Tuesday, the black boxes were in Malaysian possession and a train carrying the bodies was heading out of separatist-controlled territory.


Powerful statement from family that lost 3 children in MH17 takedown.Long story short,pain is not a story.




"Following the agreement Prime Minister Najib Razak brokered with rebel leaders, Malaysia has taken custody of flight MH17's black boxes. As the Prime Minister said, they will be passed to the international investigation team for analysis.

The international investigation team,led by the Netherlands, has decided to pass the black boxes to the UK Air Accidents Investigation Branch for forensic analysis. It is normal procedure for black boxes to be sent for analysis to the nearest laboratory authorised by the International Civil Aviation Association.

The black boxes will therefore be flown to Farnborough, UK,accompanied by Malaysian experts and other members of the international investigation team."



MH17 plane crash: UK experts to retrieve flight data.

British air accident investigators will retrieve data from the black boxes of crashed flight MH17, UK Prime Minister David Cameron has said.

This follows a request by authorities in the Netherlands, where the Malaysia Airlines plane had flown from before crashing in Ukraine last Thursday.

The experts, based at Farnborough, will download data from the recorders for analysis by Dutch and Ukrainian teams.

Why are the black boxes being examined in the UK? The British Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) tell me they are one of only two so-called "replay units" in Europe with the necessary equipment to listen to what has been recorded on the cockpit voice recorder. The other is in France.

They have the kit to analyse in minute detail what can be heard in the last few minutes of flight MH17. The information is incredibly sensitive so investigators gather in a sealed room so that only those who should be listening can listen.

There are four speakers on the walls creating a surround sound - anything to help the investigators hear exactly what went on. They may even hear any explosion.

The AAIB will not tell me when they expect to get their hands on the black boxes. But investigators are confident that, depending on the extent of the damage,they can retrieve information from the boxes within 24 hours.

David Gleave, a former air accident investigator who is now an aviation safety researcher at Loughborough University, said: "The black box may show absolutely nothing of interest at all.

"It's not set up to record something like this. They're set up to record things like human error, what's happening in the cockpit, equipment failure.

"If the missile exploded in close proximity to the plane and the tail was severed fully off it wouldn't have recorded anything from the cockpit at all.

"If it exploded further away and the crew started to fight against it before the plane came down, there may be 20 seconds of data.

"You might get a pulse in the cabin pressure, the controls may have started to vibrate. If it was a heat-seeking missile and exploded near one of the engines you might get vibration recorded on one side but not the other. But it is likely to have exploded very close to the plane."

There have been rumours of people tampering with the black boxes, but Mr Gleave said he did not think this was possible in such a short space of time.

"In this case, if it was a missile attack, it's likely there'll also be lots of physical evidence so how would you remove that or tamper with it? There's no point tampering with the boxes if you couldn't remove the physical evidence as well," he said.



Kedua-dua kotak hitam diserah kepada Belanda untuk dibawa ke Britain

THE HAGUE: Pasukan pegawai Malaysia telah menyerahkan dua kotak hitam milik pesawat Malaysia Airlines (MAS) penerbangan MH17 kepada sepasikan penyiasat yang diketuai Belanda.

Menurut laporan AFP yang memetik kenyataan kerajaan Belanda berkata, kedua-dua kotak hitam itu telah diserahkan oleh pakar dari Malaysia kepada Badan Keselamatan Belanda (OVV) yang mengetuai siasatan antarabangsa.

Rekod dan data penerbangan di dalam kotak hitam pesawat yang dikatakan ditembak jatuh oleh peluru berpandu milik puak pemisah pro-Rusia itu diberikan pada Khamis dan akan dihantar ke Farnborough, Britain untuk muat turun data.

"Pakar dari beberapa negara termasuk OVV akan membawa kotak-kotak hitam terbabit ke Farnborough untuk membantu siasatan,” kata kenyataan tersebut.

Kedua-dua kotak hitam yang menyimpan data penerbangan malang itu akan dibawa ke Britain dengan menggunakan pesawat tentera Belgium.

Belanda bertanggungjawab bagi penyiasatan itu kerana Kiev tidak mempunyai kuasa ke atas lokasi nahas yang dikawal pemberontak itu.

Puak pemisah pro-Rusia pada Selasa telah menyerahkan kedua-dua kotak hitam kepada Malaysia, yang kemudian membawanya ke Kiev.

Read more at:

Breaking news.


Dua kotak hitam dianalisis di United Kingdom.

Oleh Ikram Ismail.

Kuala Lumpur: Dua kotak hitam pesawat MH17 yang diterima akan terus dihantar kepada makmal berdekatan di United Kingdom untuk dianalisis.

Bagaimanapun, pakar tempatan akan dibenarkan sama sekali untuk turut serta menganalisis data kotak hitam terbabit.
Timbalan Menteri Pengangkutan, Datuk Aziz Karpawi berkata, mengikut peraturan Annex 13, convention Geneva, ianya perlu dibuka secepat mungkin.

"Makmal di United Kingdom adalah tempat paling sesuai dan dikitiraf oleh Pertubuhan Penerbangan Awam Antarabangsa (ICAO).

"Data yang diperolehi adalah dua jam terakhir sebelum pesawat berkenaan terhempas dapat mengetahui apa yang berlaku,"katanya.

Ditanya mengenai jika Russia ingin turut serta didalam penyiasatan kotak hitam, Aziz berkata, Russia perlu dapatkan kebenaran Badan Penyiasat Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu yang akan ditubuhkan.


MH17: Data memori kotak hitam tidak boleh diubah.

KUALA LUMPUR: Data dalam kad memori kotak hitam pesawat Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Penerbangan MH17 yang terhempas di Ukraine pada Khamis, tidak boleh diubah atau ditambah.

Ketua Penyelidikan dan Inovasi Pesawat Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) Prof Madya Kapt Dr Mohd Harridon Mohd Suffian berkata data hanya boleh disembunyikan dengan mengasingkan beberapa data tertentu, namun ia masih boleh dikesan jika perkara itu berlaku.

"Sembunyikan data bukan bermaksud memadam maklumat di dalam memori kad tersebut, bagaimanapun apa yang boleh berlaku ialah sebahagian data telah diasingkan, disembunyikan.

"Kad memori juga tidak boleh ditukar kerana ia mempunyai nombor siri tersendiri yang sama dengan nombor pada kotak hitam tersebut dan boleh dikenal pasti mela,lui kilang yang mengeluarkannya," katanya.

Mohd Harridon berkata kotak hitam diletakkan dalam satu perkakasan khas iaitu 'Crash Survivability Memory Unit (CSMU) yang mempunyai beberapa lapisan daripada aluminium tipis, silika dan titanium yang kuat dan tahan terhadap letupan pesawat.

Mengulas lanjut beliau turut memberitahu walaupun maklumat analisis daripada kotak hitam diperoleh, namun ia hanya akan memberikan 50 peratus gambaran untuk merungkai nahas pesawat MH17, manakala separuh lagi melalui analisis serpihan* kapal terbang.

"Kita perlu analisis dua perkara, kotak hitam dan serpihan kapal terbang yang jatuh ke tanah perlu dikumpul, diukur dan laporan juga perlu dibua... proses analisis akan menjadi sukar jika serpihan-serpihan kapal terbang MH17 yang jatuh mempunyai banyak saiz kecil dan besar berselerakan, diubah dan dipindahkan daripada tempat asalnya.

Sementara itu, Pensyarah Kejuruteraan Aeroangkasa Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Prof Madya Dr Kamarul Arifin Ahmad berkata kotak hitam* mempunyai dua komponen penting iaitu Voice Data Recorder (VDR) yang merupakan rakaman suara antara juruterbang dan pembantu juruterbang dan Flight Data Recorder (FDR) iaitu rakaman data-data pesawat.

"VDR dapat merakam perbualan juruterbang bersama pembantu juruterbang selama dua jam sebelum ia terhempas dan data FDR pula direkodkan sejak pesawat tersebut berlepas", katanya.

Kamarul Arifin berkata kemungkinan bunyi impak peluru jika betul MH17 ditembak pasti dapat dirakam oleh kotak hitam pesawat tersebut.

Beliau berkata Malaysia wajar mendapatkan kepakaran dari luar negara untuk mengendalikan siasatan terhadap kotak hitam pesawat MH17 kerana memerlukan instrumen serta orang berpengalaman dalam bidang tersebut.

Data kotak hitam berkemungkinan akan rosak jika komponen elektronik itu disalahgunakan, katanya.

Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata di Putrajaya pada Isnin malam bahawa kotak hitam itu akan diserahkan kepada pasukan Malaysia pada pukul 9 malam (2 pagi di Malaysia) selepas beliau berhubung dengan Alexander Borodai, yang menguasai wilayah bergolak tempat pesawat itu terhempas.

Pesawat MAS, MH17, sedang dalam penerbangan dari Amsterdam ke Kuala Lumpur ketika ia terhempas di Donetsk, utara Ukraine, dekat sempadan Rusia pada Khamis malam.

Pesawat Boeing 777 yang membawa 283 penumpang dan 15 anak kapal itu dipercayai telah ditembak jatuh.


Here is satellite trajectory of FlightMH17 and the missile US says shot it down.


Allegedly imagery of Ukraine separatist 'Buk' in Russia is not 'Buk’ 9A317 TELAR, suspected PTS Amphibious type.


Malaysian experts found no traces of tampering in MH17 boxes.


DPR officials hand over MH17 black boxes to Malaysia

Serpihan pesawat digambar pada kedudukan sebenar..


analisis awal..



Dokumen yang ditandatangani ketika rundingan dengan Puak Donestk dan Malaysia.





Gambar satellite dari perisikan russia yg menunjukkan kelengkapan BUK milik ukraine disekitar kawasan tragedi.

14/07/2014 2x Transporter erector launcher Buk-1M + 1x Buk-1M transporter erector launcher and radar from the Ukrainian Army 8km's north-east of Lugansk.


14/07/2014 5km north of Donetsk 2x radar's and other equipment.


14/07/2014 position of the Ukrainian Air Defence 5km North of Donetsk 60x vehicles 1x Buk-1M transporter erector launcher and radar.


17/07/2014 8km from Sahtersk battery of 2x Buk-1M TELAR 1x command post.


kita tunggu gambar satellite milik amerika pula..

Ukraine rebel chief rolls eyes at ‘lies’, insists no weapons to down MH17

KUALA LUMPUR, July 22 — Ukraine rebel chief Alexander Borodai has shrugged off purported evidence that his forces were behind the Flight MH17 crash as “lies”, insisting that his army lacked the weapons to shoot down the plane that carried 298 people on board.

In an interview with CNN yesterday, Borodai simply rolled his eyes when asked about alleged intercepted communication by Ukraine where his troops had purportedly bragged about the downing of the plane and posts on Twitter showing that they possessed a BUK missile system.

“It is very simple to disprove it. All of the information that comes through the Internet in my opinion is practically all lies,” the leader of the pro-Russian separatists controlling the self-declared Donetsk People’s Republic told CNN interviewer Chris Cuomo.

When asked if the photograph of a BUK missile system moving back to the Russian border from Ukraine was also fake, Borodai insisted that his army does not own the anti-aircraft weapon that the US and Ukraine believe was used to strike the plane. “I am telling you again, we have never been in possession of a single BUK system.

“I can list all of the means of defence that we have in our possession. All of these means of defence are capable of only crashing low-flying targets,” Borodai said in the brief video interview that was posted on CNN’s website.

Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was cruising at a height of 10,000 metres before it crashed, while the BUK system could have taken it down with its maximum range of 25,000 metres.


Lakaran tidak rasmi andaian dimana datangnya missile.

I don't have the point of impact exactly on point, and I did not calculate any lift provided by the wings during the descent so the radius should be a little further northwest. I also did not calculate the interception time of the missile and how far the plane would have gone in those <18 seconds.

The blue marker is the point at which the missile struck, and the blue line leads away from it for the distance at which the plane would have fallen, without wind resistance or lift. It would have fallen a bit slower and would have gone further, but it's minor. The red line is the separatist-controlled zone as of July according to the Washington Post.

I just wanted to take a few moments of my time to show that this is not an open-and-shut case, and there will be no justice served by jumping to conclusions about who did it. About 1/3 of the territory within the Buk missile range is controlled by Ukraine, and they should still be treated as suspects as well.


Kereta api bawa mayat mangsa tragedi MH17 dalam perjalanan ke Kharkiv

KUALA LUMPUR 22 Julai - Kereta api yang membawa mayat mereka yang maut dalam nahas pesawat Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Penerbangan MH17 telah memulakan perjalanannya ke bandar Kharkiv melalui Donetsk di timur Ukraine.

Ini berdasarkan kenyataan dalam laman sesawang rasmi Presiden Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.

"Presiden memerintahkan angkatan bersenjata mengambil semua langkah perlu untuk menjamin keselamatan kereta api itu sehingga tiba ke destinasinya," kata kenyataan itu.

Terdahulu, Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata, enam anggota pasukan khas Malaysia akan menyertai perjalanan kereta api itu.

Beliau membayangkan bahawa dari Kharkiv, *** mayat berkenaan akan diserahkan kepada wakil dari Belanda dan kemudian dibawa ke Amasterdam dengan pesawat C130 Hercules Belanda, bersama pasukan Malaysia itu.

Terletak di timur laut Ukraine, Kharkiv adalah bandar kedua terbesar negara itu.

Pesawat Boeing 777 MAS bersama 298 orang penumpang dan anak kapal itu sedang dalam penerbangan dari Amsterdam ke Kuala Lumpur apabila ia ditembak jatuh pada Khamis di wilayah Donetsk, di timur Ukraine. - BERNAMA

Berita Harian Online
8 mins ·
TERKINI: Pemisah Ukraine serahkan dua kotak hitam pesawat MH17 kepada Malaysia sebentar tadi: AFP

yup diorg dah kasi blackbox

Resolution on MH17 as adopted unanimously at today's UN Security Council.


9 crucial facts on the MH17 catastrophe by Yatsenyuk.



In recent days, we have been working behind the scenes to establish contact with those in charge of the MH17 crash site.

That contact has now been made. Under difficult and fluid circumstances, we have been discussing the problems that have occupied us all: securing vital evidence from the aircraft, launching an independent investigation, and above all recovering the remains of those who lost their lives.

Tonight, we have established the basis of an agreement to do just that.

Earlier this evening I spoke to Alexander Borodai, who is in command of the region where the tragedy occurred. We have agreed the following:

· Firstly, the remains of 2.8.6 people, currently in Torez, will be moved by train to Kharkiv, where they will be handed over to representatives from the Netherlands. The train will depart this evening Ukraine time, and will be accompanied by six Malaysian members of the recovery team. The remains will then be flown to Amsterdam on board a Dutch C130 Hercules, together with the Malaysian team. Following any necessary forensic work, the remains of Malaysian citizens will then be flown home to Malaysia.

· Secondly, at approximately 9pm tonight Ukraine time, the two black boxes will be handed over to a Malaysian team in Donetsk, who will take custody of them.

· Thirdly, independent international investigators will be guaranteed safe access to the crash site to begin a full investigation of the incident.

I must stress that although agreement has been reached, there remain a number of steps required before it is completed.

There is work still to be done, work which relies on continued communication in good faith. Mr Borodai and his people have so far given their co-operation.

I ask that all parties continue to work together to ensure that this agreement is honoured; that the remains of our people are returned, that the black box is handed over, and that the international team is granted full access to the site.

Only then can the investigation into MH17 truly begin; only then can the victims be afforded the respect they deserve. We need to know what caused the plane to crash, and who was responsible for it, so that justice may be done.

In recent days, there were times I wanted to give greater voice to the anger and grief that the Malaysian people feel. And that I feel. But sometimes, we must work quietly in the service of a better outcome.

I understand that for the families, nothing can undo this damage. The lives taken cannot be given back; the dignity lost cannot be regained.

My heart reaches out to those whose loved ones were lost on MH17. We hope and pray that the agreement reached tonight helps bring them a clear step towards closure.


MH17: Rebels 'Tampered With' Plane's Black Box according to Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister.

Ukraine's deputy PM says "the recorders were in the rebels' hands all these days and they did certain things to them".

Pro-Russian rebels have tampered with the black box flight recorders retrieved from the Malaysian airliner shot down in east Ukraine, Kiev has claimed.

Deputy prime minister Volodymyr Groysman*also said all the victims from the crash site have been put into refrigerated wagons*to be taken to the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, before travelling on to the Netherlands.

He told a news conference that the rebels would give the flight recorders to international aviation authorities, but added: "There is information that the recorders were in their hands all these days and they did certain things to them."

Asked whether he thought the rebels had tampered with the recorders, Mr*Groysman concurred.


Netherlands opens war crimes investigation into MH17 airliner downing.


Google translate jadi DISAMBAR PETIR! ☆ ☆ Rusia Kementerian Pertahanan telah mencatatkan video dari skrin radar.




Russia presents radar pictures allegdly showing UKR fighter jet near MAS MH17 plane. Accident, attacker or target?


Ukraine fighter jet flew close to Malaysian plane before crash, says Russian Defense Ministry.


Pesawat pejuang Ukraine terbang hampir MH17 sebelum terhempas - Moscow

MOSCOW: Russia hari ini menyatakan rekod penerbangannya menunjukkan sebuah pesawat pejuang Ukraine terbang hampir dengan pesawat Malaysia Airlines MH17 sejurus sebelum ia terhempas dan Kiev pada masa itu mengendalikan stesen radar untuk sistem peluru berpandu.

Moscow juga menafikan ia membekalkan pemisah Ukraine sistem peluru berpandu atau senjata lain ketika ia berusaha menangkis dakwaan masyarakat antarabangsa bahawa ia bertanggungjawab menembak jatuh pesawat Malaysia dengan 298 penumpang dan anak kapal itu.

Berbekalkan beberapa carta dan imej, dua pegawai tinggi tentera Russia membentangkan kes terhadap Ukraine pada satu taklimat khas di sini.

Left Jen Andrei Kartopolov berkata, pesawat Malaysia itu tersasar ke utara dari laluan asal manakala pesawat pejuang SU-25 Ukraine yang biasanya dilengkapi peluru berpandu udara ke udara, dirakam berada hampir dengan pesawat Boeing 777 itu.

Katanya, pesawat Malaysia itu “tersasar dari laluannya ke utara...Jarak tersasar maksimum ialah 14 kilometer".

“Peningkatan ketinggian direkodkan bagi pesawat tentera Ukrain. Jaraknya dari Boeing Malaysia ialah tiga hingga lima kilometer.

“Apakah matlamat sebuah pesawat tentera terbang di laluan pesawat awam hampir pada masa sama dan pada ketinggian sama? Kami ingin mendapatkan jawapan kepada persoalan ini," katanya.
Kartopolov juga berkata, Kementerian Pertahanan Russia mengesan aktiviti luar biasa stesen radar yang digunakan untuk mengendalikan sistem peluru berpandu pada hari tragedi itu.

“Dari 17 Julai (Khamis) tahap operasi stesen radar Ukraine meningkat kepada maksimum," katanya.

Kartopolov berkata, tujuh stesen radar beroperasi hampir dengan kawasan tragedi pada Selasa, lapan pada Rabu dan sembilan pada hari nahas iaitu Khamis.

Sambil merujuk data, beliau berkata selepas nahas itu, hanya empat stesen radar beroperasi pada Jumaat dan hanya dua pada Sabtu.

Kartopolov juga menegaskan Russia tidak membekalkan puak pemisah Ukraine dengan sistem peluru berpandu Buk atau senjata lain. - AFP

Satellite image shows spread of debris from Malaysia Airlines flight MH17.


Finally, Netherlands forensic experts and investigators (LTFO) started their work at MH17 crash site in Ukraine.


# Malaysia punya team belum ada info..

Briefing of the Russian MoD 2-star general and a traffic control person.

They do not state anything for sure, but raise some questions on some strange things happened on that day/time.

1. The activity of Ukrainian radars (including those of air defense systems) dramatically increased on that day.
2. There was a military aircraft (supposedly Su-25) flying in a close vicinity (3-5 km) of MH-17 before and shortly after the Boeing was shot.
3. MH-17 deviated its course to the north getting out of the pre-defined corridor shortly before the trouble.
4. One of the Ukrainian BUK launch complexes that were relocated to the area a few days before the tragedy, was additionally moved to a new place, very close to the line between the army and the rebels. Immediately after the tragedy it was moved back.

Anyway, there is an English translation, those interested may listen and watch.

Intelligence whisteblower reveals that the U.S. has satellite images proving Ukrainian troops shot down MH17.

U.S. intelligence agencies do have detailed satellite images of the likely missile battery that launched the fateful missile, but the battery appears to have been under the control of Ukrainian government troops dressed in what look like Ukrainian uniforms.

CIA analysts were still not ruling out the possibility that the troops were actually eastern Ukrainian rebels in similar uniforms but the initial assessment was that the troops were Ukrainian soldiers. There also was the suggestion that the soldiers involved were undisciplined and possibly drunk, since the imagery showed what looked like beer bottles scattered around the site, the source said.

#Not yet confirm..kalau snowden yg dedahkan baru confirm..

Over at the airliners.... post 51 in part 3 MH17 crashes in Ukraine has an unauthenticated TV screen shoot of the remains of the SAM.


David Gleave, a former air safety investigator and now a researcher at Loughborough University, about pictures that appear to show missile shrapnel damage to the aircraft.


Gleave said: "The markings are consistent with something external hitting the airplane," adding that the indentations were "indicative" of a missile strike.

"It looks like there are markings on the external to the internal of the aircraft. meaning it's not a bomb blowing outwards. That's not the main bit where the missile hit, it's the periphery of the explosion. It looks like secondary damage."

In spite of the delay in investigators arriving at the crash site, Gleave said it would still be possible to trace the manufacturer of the missile by forensically examining bits of wreckage and human remains for chemical traces.

I'm not convinced [the contamination of the crash site] is quite as bad as people say. If it's a missile then all the conventional stuff we need for data gathering goes out of the window. A black box isn't going to tell you it was a missile.

US embassy in Ukraine released evidence of a Russian link to the shooting down of MH17.



Press Statement by Mins of Transport DS Liow Tiong Lai in Kiev, Ukraine Sun, 20 July 2014.


video hari ke 3 disekitar "crash site"

Ukraine gagal wujud koridor selamat untuk Malaysia

PUTRAJAYA 21 Julai - Kerajaan Ukraine gagal menyediakan koridor selamat untuk pasukan Malaysia memasuki kawasan tragedi MH17 di timur negara itu.

Menteri Pengangkutan, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai dalam satu kenyataan pada awal hari ini memberitahu, Ukraine pada masa sama tidak dapat memberi jaminan keselamatan kepada pasukan keselamatan yang berada di kawasan nahas. - UTUSAN ONLINE


Putin calls for full-scale international investigation at MH17 crash site.

Ukraine's Security Service Has Confiscated Air Traffic Control Recordings With Malaysian Jet.

Earlier, when we commented in the abnormality in the flight path of flight MH-17 we said that "perhaps before coming to "certain" conclusion about the involvement of this rebel or that, the key questions one should ask before casting blame, is why did the pilot divert from his usual flight plan, why did he fly above restricted airspace, and just what, if any instructions, did Kiev air control give the pilot in the minutes before the tragic explosion?"

The simple answer would have come if Ukraine had merely released the Air Traffic Control recording from the tower and flight MH 17, something Malaysia did in the aftermath of the disappearance of flight MH 370, which at last check has still not been uncovered.

It now appears that answer will not be forthcoming because as the BBC reports "Ukraine's SBU security service has confiscated recordings of conversations between Ukrainian air traffic control officers and the crew of the doomed airliner, a source in Kiev has told Interfax news agency."

What happens to the recordings next is completely unknown. What is known is that any hope of getting an undoctored explanation why the plane flew as it did, or what the pilots may have seen or said in the moments before the explosion, is forever gone.

sory klu astrok..

ni komen Alexander Borodai pasal kejadian ni..
buat masa ni kita kena dgr dr kedua2 belah pihak..
dgr boleh percaya jgn..tggu jer hasil siasatan nnti..
apa pendapat korang??

* Turn on captions for English translation

Crash site.


Latest MH17 Graphic By The Times.


Map of MH17 and other aircrafts destroyed in Eastern Ukraine.


Rescuers find 251 bodies at MH17 crash site, 86 body fragments.



hr tu lagi pelik dgn video letupan ni..nape x de smoke trail??? kalau ada sikit asap hitam sbelum flight meletup pun kira ok, ni x dak langsung..
atau kamera terlalu jauh sampai x nampak smoke trail?? wallahua'lam..

What Did US Spy Satellites See in Ukraine?

The U.S. media’s Ukraine bias has been obvious, siding with the Kiev regime and bashing ethnic Russian rebels and Russia’s President Putin. But now – with the scramble to blame Putin for the Malaysia Airlines shoot-down – the shoddy journalism has grown truly dangerous.

by Robert Parry.

In the heat of the U.S. media’s latest war hysteria – rushing to pin blame for the crash of a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet on Russia’s President Vladimir Putin – there is the same absence of professional skepticism that has marked similar stampedes on Iraq, Syria and elsewhere – with key questions not being asked or answered.

The dog-not-barking question on the catastrophe over Ukraine is: what did the U.S. surveillance satellite imagery show? It’s hard to believe that – with the attention that U.S. intelligence has concentrated on eastern Ukraine for the past half year that the alleged trucking of several large Buk anti-aircraft missile systems from Russia to Ukraine and then back to Russia didn’t show up somewhere.

Yes, there are limitations to what U.S. spy satellites can see. But the Buk missiles are about 16 feet long and they are usually mounted on trucks or tanks. Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 also went down during the afternoon, not at night, meaning the missile battery was not concealed by darkness.

So why hasn’t this question of U.S. spy-in-the-sky photos – and what they reveal – been pressed by the major U.S. news media? How can the Washington Post run front-page stories, such as the one on Sunday with the definitive title “U.S. official: Russia gave systems,” without demanding from these U.S. officials details about what the U.S. satellite images disclose?

Instead, the Post’s Michael Birnbaum and Karen DeYoung wrote from Kiev: “The United States has confirmed that Russia supplied sophisticated missile launchers to separatists in eastern Ukraine and that attempts were made to move them back across the Russian border after the Thursday shoot-down of a Malaysian jetliner, a U.S. official said Saturday.

“‘We do believe they were trying to move back into Russia at least three Buk [missile launch] systems,’ the official said. U.S. intelligence was ‘starting to get indications … a little more than a week ago’ that the Russian launchers had been moved into Ukraine, said the official” whose identity was withheld by the Post so the official would discuss intelligence matters.

But catch the curious vagueness of the official’s wording: “we do believe”; “starting to get indications.” Are we supposed to believe – and perhaps more relevant, do the Washington Post writers actually believe – that the U.S. government with the world’s premier intelligence services can’t track three lumbering trucks each carrying large mid-range missiles?


SBU intercepted new phone call, terrorists discuss black boxes.

Kalau astrok video ni sorry laa..baru dapat online..

‪#‎tragedimh17‬ Foto pamer lelaki pegang kotak hitam di kawasan nahas. Tapi tidak pula dimaklumkan di mana kotak hitam itu sekarang - NBC



Mayat dah kena angkut ngan terrorist rusia naik ketapai ntah nak bawak p mana..

MH17 victims put on refrigerated train bound for unknown destination

The bodies of the victims of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 are being loaded on to three railway carriages, apparently with refrigerator capability, which are standing at the train station in the town of Torez, several miles from the crash site in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine.

The Guardian witnessed the arrival of a delegation from the international monitoring body the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) at around midday local time to inspect the wagons, accompanied by a convoy of heavily armed and nervous rebels.

As they opened the metal door to one of the carriages to inspect the interior, a stench of death wafted out, and black body bags were visible inside.

"The special monitoring mission in its third day dealing with the incident has now monitored the location where bodies are being refrigerated in three wagons," said Alexander Hug, the deputy chief of the mission.

"We have not been able to count them as that would be too difficult in this situation."



Console ceiling on the side of the road by a house.


Bodies being loaded into these refrigerated rail cars in city of Torez.


Sentapan minda..kalau dah ada sorry yer..:)


Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 Crash: Propaganda Decoded.

Russia and American tensions continue to escalate as Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 was shot down Thursday in eastern Ukraine along Russia's border. Without a full investigation, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John McCain and others in the United States government have reached the conclusion Russia was responsible for the deadly attack.

Vladimir Putin and Russia deny any involvement, as the mainstream media and the world at large look to assign blame in this horrific situation. Stefan Molyneux decodes the propaganda and presents the facts as they are presently known.

MH17: Ketua pemberontak sudah hubungi 12 pakar dari Malaysia.

DONETSK: Ketua pemberontak, Alexander Borodai tampil dalam satu sidang media mengesahkan sudah menghubungi 12 pakar dari Malaysia.

Kesemua mereka akan ke Donetsk untuk pengurusan mayat mangsa nahas MH17.

Borodai dalam sidang media ini menghuraikan beberapa perkara berbangkit.

Pertama, mengenai pengurusan mangsa nahas serta akses ke lokasi kejadian.

Selain itu, ketua puak pemisah pro Rusia ini mengesahkan mayat-mayat yang berjaya dikumpul tidak akan di bawa ke Kiev.

Borodai turut mengulas mengenai kotak hitam MH17.

Beliau mengesahkan kotak hitam berada dalam simpanan kumpulannya dan hanya akan menyerahkannya kepada Pertubuhan Penerbangan Awam Antarabangsa, ICAO.

ok. so far ni latest info la...

1) screen grab dari video dipercayai dah berumur tiga hari, nampak macam org tu dok bawak flight data recorder kan...

2) Bodies dekat2 200 (exact figure 183) dah dipindah ke bandar Torez, dalam 9km away dr tempat kejadian. diorg simpan dalam gerabak yg ada chiller kat stesen ketapi bandar tu. Ada lagi dalam 113 mayat lagi dok cari.

Masa ni pemantau dari OSCE dah ada kat area tu.

3) team SAR dgn forensics kita dah sampai Kiev, tp tgh tesangkut lagi kat sana. Tgh usaha nak gi ke tempat kejadian.

tu je latest info so far. apa2 nanti kalo aku sempat aku up lagi.

This map shows every dangerous place where airplanes aren't supposed to fly.


Rasa bukan cam tu bos..

Terdapat laporan yang mengatakan foto-foto yang menunjukkan bekas asap peluru berpandu SA-11 telah diambil berdekatan bandar Snizhne, timur Ukraine sebelum pesawat MH17 jatuh terhempas.



That why..
Pada body plane jadi mcm nie..



Foto: MH17

Pasukan Perubatan Forensik KKM yang akan bersama Pasukan Penyelamat Malaysia ke Kiev, Ukraine

Kredit: Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia


Malaysia Airlines had an above-average safety record prior to this year.


Spainbuca..kesian dia terima ugutan bunuh katanya..bacaan penuh di

Tanda2 awal "kepala peledak" yg digunakan bukan BUK.

First traces of the warhead. This was not BUK-M1.

Pin and shrapnel warheads are mainly used on air-to-air missiles because of their compact size. The anti-aircraft defense systems prefer to use high explosive and shrapnel warheads, because in a number of cases they are more efficient than pin and shrapnel ones. The picture here shows cladding damage characteristic for pin and shrapnel warheads. High explosive and shrapnel warhead damage looks different. This means that no BUK system hit this aircraft. Here we are dealing with either R-27 Topor or R-73 missiles, which Ukrainians have plenty of and which are installed on MIG-29 and SU-27.



related news di

Cargo manifest.


Full Netherlands United Nations Security Council statement on MH17.


Selected flights over eastern Ukraine on the afternoon of 17 July.


Self-proclaimed PM of pro-Russian separatist "Donetsk People's Republic" Alexander Borodai (Center) arrives at MH17 site.


teror mamat ni predict..:)

Soon a liner chock-full of innocent Euro-tourists will be shot down over the Ruin [that is Ukraine]. That will be the motive for an official NATO invitation.


Memang sedih..

Full plane history can be found on Flight Radar.

The planes flight path can be viewed on Plane Finder (not yet verified) UTC#


BUSTED! Ukraine Caught Trying to 'Frame Russia' for Shooting Down Malaysia Flight MH17!!!
This is the humanity, Palestinian injured child expresses solidarity with Malaysian.







Crash Site

Kenyataan media terkini pesawat MAS MH17

Jumaat, 18 Julai 2014

With immediate effect, all European flights operated by Malaysia Airlines will be taking alternative routes avoiding the usual route.

Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, which was on a scheduled flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur went down in eastern Ukraine. Malaysia Airlines confirms that the aircraft did not make a distress call.

The usual flight route was earlier declared safe by the International Civil Aviation Organisation. International Air Transportation Association has stated that the airspace the aircraft was traversing was not subject to restrictions.

As opposed to the earlier statement, the flight was carrying a total number of 298 people – comprising 283 passengers including three infants of various nationalities and 15 crew of Malaysian nationality. Some of the nationalities of the passengers are yet to be determined.

List of number of passengers and crew according to nationality are as follows:-

Netherlands - 154
Malaysia - 45 (including 15 crew & 2 infants)
Australia - 27
Indonesia - 12 (including 1 infant)
United Kingdom - 9
Germany - 4
Belgium - 4
Philippines - 3
Canada - 1
Unverified - 41
Total - 298

Malaysia Airlines is in the process of notifying the next-of-kin of the passengers and crew.

Our focus now is to work with the emergency responders and authorities and mobilize its full support to provide all possible care to the next-of-kin. Malaysia Airlines is deploying its “Go Team” to Amsterdam with a group of caregivers and volunteers to assist the family members of the passengers.
Our thoughts and prayers are with all affected passengers and crew and their family members.

The airline will provide regular updates on the situation.

Families of passengers and crew may contact +603 7884 1234 (Malaysia) or +31703487770(Netherlands).

For media queries, kindly contact +603 8777 5698/ +603 8787 1276.
Please also log on to for updates.

Captured audio call of Pro-Russian militias. This record been released by Security Service of Ukraine.

0:20: A: Just now, just now, "Minera" group downed an airplane. It fell on Yenakivo.
0:26: B: Pilots? Where are the pilots?
0:29: A: We're going now to search and take photos of the wreckage.
0:33: B: How long ago?
0:34: A: About 30 minutes.
[At this point, video skips ahead to a different conversation, apparently some time later and between two different people]
0:44: C: Yes, "Major"
0:45: D: From Chernuhino, they downed the plane.
0:48: C: Who?
0:49: C: From Chernuhino post, cossacks that are stationed at Chernukino.
0:56: C: The plane broke up in mid-air, near Petropavlosk mine. First 200 (ed: ?). Found first 200 (ed: ?). Civilian.
1:12: D: So what's going on?
1:15: C: F*** it's a civilian plane.
1:18: D: Understood. Are there many people?
1:20: C: F***. Wreckage falling right in peoples yards.
1:24: D: What model?
1:26: C: I haven't figured it out yet. Haven't yet gotten to the main debris. I'm still where the first bodies fell.
1:31: C: There's wreckage of internal containers, seats, bodies.
1:35: D: Understood. Are there any weapons?
1:37: C: Nothing at all. Civilian stuff, medical supplies, towels, toilet paper.
1:43: D: Any documents?
1:45: C: Yes. Indonesian student. From Thompson university.
[Another cut, several more people]
1:52: About that plane shot down near Snezhnovo Torez. It turned out to be a passenger plane. Fell near Grabovo, there's lots of bodies, women and children. Right now the cossacks are inspecting it.
2:03: On TV they are saying AN-26, Ukrainian transport, but are saying it's labeled Malaysian Airlines.
2:12: What was it doing in Ukrainian territory?
2:16: Maybe it was transporting spies. Who knows. It's war.

Flight MH17 which was shot down today is the only recent MH17 flight to fly over the Ukraine Russia border. The rest of the previous flights flew over the Sea of Azov.

Flight Aware MH17 History

Unconfirmed reports say that this MH17 flight was escorted by 2 Ukranian fighter jets and led the Malaysian plane onto this new path.

xtau dah ade ke tak

Terkini, lidah rasmi Russia, RT News telah melaporkan bahawa pesawat IL-96 milik mereka telah melalui laluan yang sama dilalui oleh MH17 pada jam 16:21 waktu Moskow, manakala MH17 telah melalui laluan udara yang sama pada jam 15:44 waktu Moskow, iaitu sekitar setengah jam lebih awal berbanding IL-96.

Menurut sumber Russian Today, serangan ke atas pesawat MH17 itu sebenarnya mahu disasarkan kepada pesawat IL-96 yang terbang dari Brazil ke Russia.

IL-96 adalah sebuah pesawat khas yang membawa Presiden Russia, Vladimir Putin yang mana Putin ketika itu dalam perjalanan pulang dari Brazil ke Russia selepas menghadiri satu konvensyen berkenaan BRISC.

Menurut satu sumber yang tidak mahu disebutkan namanya, pesawat yang membawa Putin dan juga Boeing Malaysia telah bersilang pada satu titik yang sama.

“I can say that Putin’s plane and the Malaysian Boeing intersected at the same point and the same echelon. That was close to Warsaw on 330-m echelon at the height of 10,100 meters. The presidential jet was there at 16:21 Moscow time and the Malaysian aircraft - 15:44 Moscow time,” - Menurut sumber berkenaan.

Tambah sumber itu lagi, pesawat yang dinaiki Putin dan MH17 mempunya struktur yang hampir sama dan menggunakan warna yang sama. Hal ini mungkin telah menjadi kekeliruan kepada si penyerang.


Flights rerouted: Planes avoiding Ukraine airspace after Malaysian Airlines crash




passport mangsa #:-S






KIEV, Ukraine (AP) — A Ukrainian official said a passenger plane carrying 295 people was shot down Thursday over a town in the east of the country, and Malaysian Airlines tweeted that it lost contact with one of its flights over Ukrainian airspace.

Malaysia Airlines said on its Twitter feed that it "has lost contact of MH17 from Amsterdam. The last known position was over Ukrainian airspace. More details to follow." The plane's destination was

It was the second time that a Malaysia Airlines plane had gone missing in less than six months. Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared in March while en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. It has not been found, but the search has been concentrated in the Indian Ocean far west of Australia.

The Donetsk region government said Thursday's plane crashed near a village called Grabovo, which it said is currently under the control of armed pro-Russian separatists. The region where theflight was lost has seen severe fighting between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russia separatist rebels in recent days.

A launcher similar to the Buk missile system was seen by Associated Press journalists near the eastern Ukrainian town of Snizhne earlier Thursday.

On Wednesday evening, a Ukrainian fighter jet was shot down by an air-to-air missile from a Russian plane, Ukrainian authorities said Thursday, adding to what Kiev says is mounting evidence that Moscow is directly supporting the separatist insurgents in eastern Ukraine. Security Council spokesman Andrei Lysenko said the pilot of the Sukhoi-25 jet hit by the air-to-air missile was forced to bail after his jet was shot down.

Pro-Russia rebels, meanwhile, claimed responsibility for strikes Wednesday on two Ukrainian Sukhoi-25 jets. The Ukrainian Defense Ministry said the second jet was hit by a portable surface-to-air missile, but added the pilot was unscathed and managed to land his plane safely

Moscow denies Western charges that is supporting the separatists or sowing unrest in its neighbor. The Russian Defense Ministry couldn't be reached for comment Thursday about the Ukrainian jet and Russia's foreign ministry didn't respond to multiple requests for comment.

Earlier this week, Ukraine said a military transport plane was shot down Monday by a missile fired from Russian territory.

The rebels are known to possess portable anti-aircraft rocket launchers, but Ukrainian officials say that kind of weapon would have been unable to



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A Malaysian Airlines’ Boeing-777 has crashed over Ukraine, close to the border with Russia.Espresso TV says the plane, with 285 people on board, was en route from Amsterdam to Malaysia.The Ukrainian military has confirmed that a Malaysian plane crashed in eastern Ukraine.The passenger plane was expected to enter Russian airspace but never did, a Russian aviation industry source was cited by Reuters.

Pi...... ramai dlm flight tu
Malaysian passenger plane crashes in Ukraine

more update singgah link ni

11 : 45p.m : AP melaporkan kapal terbang ditempak misil pada ketinggian 33,000 kaki
11 : 47p.m : MAS mengesahkan hilang komunikasi dengan pesawat
11 : 50p.m : Misil dilepaskan oleh puak pemisah :penasihat Ukraine Kementerian Dalam Negeri - Reuters

KIEV (AFP/Reuters) - A Malaysian airliner flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur has crashed in east Ukraine, where pro-Russian rebels are battling government forces, Russian and Ukrainian news agencies reported, citing aviation and security sources.

The Boeing passenger liner came down close to town of Shaktarsk in the rebellion-wracked region of Donetsk after disappearing from the radar and teams from the emergency services were trying to reach the scene, an unnamed security source told Interfax-Ukraine news agency.

The plane had 295 people on board, Interfax cited an aviation industry source as saying on Thursday.
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