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Time now: Jun 1, 12:00 AM

Sudah silap, minta maaf saja Guan Eng' - Sanusi

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Aku cakap SEMUA... termasuklah pemimpin PAS kaki DALIL tapi eh... lupaaaa. PAS dah kafirkan semua selain dari mereka saja. Hmmmm.... payahhhh lah nampaknya
dah silap cakap..minta maaf saja la kan....

dah silap undi..pilih yg lain je la makcik kan...

The Cabinet did allow for Chinese schools to get donations from brewery companies but any fund raising activities that they are visibly involved in must be done outside school premises.

Chinese schools - 1
Pas bigots and racists - 0
Wahh. Siap kasi markah. Cayalah.. Caiyokk
The Cabinet did allow for Chinese schools to get donations from brewery companies but any fund raising activities that they are visibly involved in must be done outside school premises.

Chinese schools - 1
Pas bigots and racists - 0
Tukar2 id ya bang timmi. Macam2 peel boleh jadi kau ning. Haha.
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