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People who asked for Photoshop help and got funny results

Harry Potter-Fan​

Cosplay events attract Harry Potter fans from around the world who love to dress up as their favorite Hogwarts character. They are very popular and must be a lot of fun. If you can't attend the event, there's always Photoshop!



Facebook / James Fridman

Apparently, when she approached James, this girl wanted to be photographed in the house robes of one of her characters, but made the fatal mistake of not being clear about her wishes. Now she is Dobby the house elf. We're pretty sure that's not what she meant.


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Which man?​

Sometimes it's a photo bomb that makes a picture great, but this woman clearly disagrees, which is why she took to the internet to get James to remove it.


Facebook / James Fridman

This is another case of inaccuracy, because what she really wanted was for James to do "something" with him, and he took her word for it. The man can still be seen in the picture, but he is now cleverly disguised. can you see him We give you a tip: Look at the second hydrant in the right picture. You can hardly see him, right?




It's not every day that someone asks you to replace their friend with a dinosaur and even specify which dinosaur it should be.


Facebook / James Fridman

James, the pro par excellence, has what it takes to make your dream come true down to the smallest detail. She may have gotten a little bit more than she expected because James just turned him into a dinosaur. While he makes a great dinosaur, before the transformation he might have been more suitable as a friend. She really should appreciate him more.



Short shorts​

The only thing worse than showing up to an event in the completely wrong piece of clothing is realizing that the mistake has now ruined all the photos.


Facebook / James Fridman

This is the moment when you can ask Photoshop for help - this man's shorts turned out to be a wardrobe malfunction so he wanted James to swap his shorts for regular pants. James had another idea, and now everyone - even the guy behind them - is wearing shorts! This type now fits the look and mood of the day exactly.



Just like the Weasleys​

What a great family photo, only this guy doesn't think so because he's the only redhead. So Photoshop!


Facebook / James Fridman

We'd say embrace your looks, but this man really wants to blend in and asked James to change his hair color. James did the magic and now this redhead family is a perfect match. We think they're quite a cute bunch, and even the baby has a mop of red hair now. Perfect!



Too scary​

We're pretty sure the creators of the Teletubbies didn't think in the slightest that they were scary and they were loved by millions of children worldwide.


Facebook / James Fridman

Creepy is a subjective thing, however, and when you ask someone to put something creepy in the background, you can't be sure what you'll get. The Teletubbies can be cute, but they look like giant baby aliens. We're pretty sure we'd all find them creepy if they showed up in our garden.



Eyefell Tower​

When you lie to your friends and then have a bad spelling problem when you ask your photoshop artist for help, that's really a cause for trouble.


Facebook / James Fridman

When she asked about the "Eyefell Tower" she literally got what she wanted. Of course he knew she really meant the Eiffel Tower, but that will probably teach her not to lie to her friends about her vacations and maybe pay more attention in class.


When this man contacted James, we're not sure if that's what he had in mind when he asked him to make it look like he was jumping off of something.


Facebook / James Fridman

We're pretty sure he was thinking of an explosion or a monster or something. What he got was this image based on the reality of life rather than the life of a movie action hero.



buckled up​

Sometimes pictures get a little weird. Sometimes it's the way you stand or where the person taking the photo is pointing the camera.


Facebook / James Fridman

This guy decided that his head looked a bit crooked in relation to his body and that some serious Photoshop action was needed. This is a case of "be careful what you ask". James certainly edited the image so there's no doubt that his head is attached to his own body.



So strong​

One of the most popular pictures people take of themselves is the one where they look like they're holding something up.


Facebook / James Fridman

One of the most popular pictures people take of themselves is the one where they look like they're holding something up. This girl wanted to look like she was holding up a mountain and she needed someone with great talent to move that mountain for her. Unfortunately, it wasn't exactly what she wanted, and James decided that moving the mountain might be a little too easy. Instead, he decided to herald the changes by moving her arm. Now it looks like she's holding up the mountain, but also that she has a serious medical problem with her arm.


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