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To Sell Inviting | Newsletter in PM | Chat newsletter | Telegram parsing | Private databases


Jan 19, 2024
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Professional inviting
  • Inwaiting on CHAT to 15-20k LIVE audience.
  • A private way in which groups don't fly off.
  • I will help you from A to Z to customize your group and protect you from takedowns and bans
  • I will give full instructions on how to set up your chat room.
  • I use the best private softwareon the market.
  • Help you choose the best strategy for your business vision or to launch a scheme.

Professional mailing
  • Private messaging up to 200k messages per day.
  • Mailing with button/banner and other types.
  • Unique A method of mailing in which messages are not deleted.
  • Help you make an effective conversion on your product or scheme.
  • Full progress report. in xls format.

Gathering the target audience
  • ParsingCA.both from regular chat rooms/groups and closed ones.
  • ParsingCA from discussion groups attached to channels.
  • Parsing CA. from the comments of public-private channels.
  • Parsing The Channel Tsa who puts reactions to the posts.
  • Parsing CA by ID, if there is no tag.
  • The most flexibleParsingon the market.
  • For professional parsing we use only private self-written software.
  • Both private and the top of the market. We also do inquiries в baseson your keys.

Contact -

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