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  1. TXT

    Covid-19 UPDATE Perkembangan COVID-19 Wuhan (Luar Negara)

    #BREAKING The US becomes the first country to record more than 2,000 #coronavirus deaths in one day, with 2,108 fatalities in the past 24 hours, according to the Johns Hopkins University tally
  2. TXT

    Covid-19 UPDATE COVID19, 29 Dec - 4 Jan 2025, Baru : 1222 , Kematian : 0, Kes Aktif: 9023

    COVID19: Real Time Counter, World Map, News, Update, Cases, Deaths COVID-19 Live Update UPDATE KES COVID-19 DI MALAYSIA SETAKAT 18 JULAI 2020 JAM 5 PETANG Keseluruhan: 8764 Kes Kematian Keseluruhan: 122 Kes Kematian Baru: 0 Kes Sembuh: 8546 Kes...
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